Chapter 15

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He was next to me. His pale, holding no emotions face was now bright red and terrified. His oh so luring lips were parted, heavy breaths escaping them. He was holding the pole tightly, like his life was slowly slipping away and he wanted to save himself.

It was funny.

Seeing Mr If Only I Had Any Fucks To Give being frightened, was something close to impossible. He was never scared, neither really shocked or showing any sighs of vivid feelings.
Sometimes I wonder if he isn't a robot. But now. Well now I was enjoying his current state way too much. Let this asshole suffer, not only because of his height.. Or maybe he's scared because we are so high in the air.. Far from the ground.. Where this short dickhead usually spread his bullshit.

Huh. I'm still angry at him. How can I not be?

In the morning, when I got up and everything seemed normal ( how could I fall for such a trap.. Normal? That's just not possible when Levi Ackerman is involved ) I slowly approached the bathroom, due to my tired morning self and the blur in my eyes. As I stepped in, a yawn escaped my lips and I placed a palm to my mouth. Then I started washing my face with cold water and that was when I finally looked at the reflection in the mirror above the sink.

And what can I tell you more? I just stood there, looking at the really nice drawn ( okay I was actually impressed by how good it was outlined on my face) dick. It was long and thin, damn attractive dick, that looked like mine. But there was no way he could have peeked in my pants to draw this " masterpiece" on me. No, just not.

But anyway. As a small revenge I cleaned it off my face, using his toothbrush. I could piss on it as well, but I decided to leave this one for another time, when he get me really mad. I say when, because pissing me off is like a very easy game for him and I'm sure if it really was one, he is on 158969 level right now.

" OH MY GOD, WE ARE GOING DOOOOOOWWWNNNN," My loud voice broke into esteric screams as the roller coaster suddenly fell down. The adrenaline hit all of us hard and everyone cried, some of joy, other of total horror.
One of the second group of screaming people was tye midget, Levi. The only difference was that he wasn't screaming ( to my dissapointment), but he sure was having a really nice, happy time with the sick face he was making. I likened him for a fly eater. Oh my God, this pole is going to break pretty soon the way he holds it.

" Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.. "
I heard him saying this to himself, panicked. Oh that face.

Suddenly my screams were mixed with laughing not only at his priceless face, but of joy. We were riding in the air. The wind and the speed were increasing my adrenaline and I was on cloud 9.

Levi on the other hand didn't really enjoy this, but who cares about this asshole.

Like he has noticed my stare or it was my laughter, he turned to me with a furious, at the same time scared expression. Imagine this asshole, who wears emotionless faces all the time, now mad and terrified.

My voice broke into a louder laughter and I felt the corners of my eyes tearing.

" What the fuck you laughing at, you stupid brat. Don't fucking scream or I'll break this pole and smack your empty head with it, you little fuck, " He blurted out quickly, his voice low, but not low enough to not hear him and holding danger.

For a moment I stopped my cries and looked at him with wide eyes and a grin as we were still on the roller coaster.

He was about to open his mouth when I started laughing again, but this time I couldn't even breath. And I didn't know why was so funny, but i just couldn't stop.

I looked ahead. The wind was taking my ability of seeing anything. I could only feel it. And I loved it.

As I little, I didn't really had the chance of going to amusement park. My mother is always busy, never spend time with her own son. As for my father.. I don't know him. I tried several times to get out any information about him from my mother. I wanted to at least know his name. But she always ignored the topic.

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