Chapter 4

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Eren's POV

I was getting ready for the party that will start in less than twenty minutes and I'm still trying to fix my hair. What a pain! Finally ready, well thinking I'm ready, I looked in the mirror to see what I've created. The picture literally scared me. My hair? It's usually messy, but this was a whole garbage.

I shook my head and hurried down the stairs to my car. I'm looking at myself too much, like a girl. But I guess I'm like a girl being the gay I am. I smiled while I was driving.

When I finally parked in front of the booming house, okay maybe a little far from it, but that's just for security, I got out and thought.

This is going to be a long night.


I was already on my I don't remember what number vodka, burping after every sip I take. Yeah, this is definitely a good time. Letting the heavy alcohol slip down my neck, burning it. My dazy head, lying on the table like every single part of life is gone. But that was so nice, I was enjoying it. I was drinking for fun, for satisfaction and for my friendship, that was over. That moment was peaceful from my eyes. After a while of drinking more and more I finally decided to go home. A few girls have come to me, giggling and asking me questions and then giggling some more like annoying flies.

I was now outside, walking to my car, when I suddenly spotted Levi Ackerman. Ha. That midget is everywhere, like he's spying me. Hehe, maybe he's gay and secretly long for me. That's why he's my fake enemy. Hahaha. What a loser.

He was against a wall, smoking, when his glare caught me.

" Oi, brat. What are you doing here. I didn't know little, stupid boys who need to be babysit are allowed to go on parties. "

I clenched teeth and spoke.

" Ah, please sorry. I think you're talking about yourself. Actually you would be recognized as one, shorty. " I pronounced the last words cooky and got in my car, eyeing the pissed off Levi, still leaning against the wall. He's so stupid. I will always hate him, maybe even after school. Hopefully we won't ever see each other after graduation. I can't stand that short demon.

He's my enemy.

Enemies (Ereri /Riren)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz