Chapter 16

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I slowly opened my eyes just to be faced with Levi's back. I had my arms around him in a tight hold as my body was pressed to him.

My eyes widened at what shit I've done.
But before I could move away quietly and hope to not wake him during the process Shorty started to move around.
I immediately backed up, almost falling on the floor as he turned to face me.

He has the most confused expression on his face I've ever seen.

"What in holy mother of God were you doing? "
His deep and raspy morning voice got me and I couldn't find my words.

"I-i Uh.. Just. "
"I woke up and.. Saw that I was too close to you and you smell anyway, so I moved away as soon as possible. Didn't want to be near a dwarf. "

He was quiet for a moment and then he brought his hand to his face, lightly messaging his forehead. With an annoyed expression he said." So, that's why you had your arms wrapped around me? Because I smelled? So after all I smell better than you. "

He got up and walked to the bathroom, sighting.

Mmm shorty please.

If I wanted to smell like a dying polecat, I'd have just put on some of his shirts.
That have his scent on them.. His own amazing scent that attracted me so hard to him.. I just.. Nope not today, you short demon.. Not today.
I'll ignore him for the day. I need to clear my mind off of him. He did enough confusing shit.. Think he could play with my mind.. Hell no to the no no.

I got up, got dressed as quickly as a runner can sprint a fucking marathon and left the hotel flat. That's it. I'm moving on to my next step with the pranks. I'll annoy this bitch so much today.

I went downstairs to Armin and Erwin's flat. I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before I was greeted by Armin's cute smile.

"Morning, Ar. We need to make up some plans. Prank plans. " I said as I walked in.

" You got it. "
He closed the door and I walked to the small table in the living room, pulling out paper and a pen from the drawer next to it.
"Let's see.."


Levi's POV

Laying in the soft, hotel bed and pointlessly scrolling on my phone while people were having fun outside. Every student was doing something. Especially on a camp like this. Running around the corridors, making out, drinking, going for a walk even sleeping, but no. I was the most boring and bored person out of all of them.

I sighed and my head curved back as my eyes stared at the white cell.
I felt this little bit of loneliness dashing through me as I thought more about how I'm so alone in this room, doing nothing. Even the brat wasn't here.

What would I give just so he could be next to me right now. Just so I could tease and annoy this brainless angry tomatoe.
But I haven't seen him since morning.


Just then my phone rang loudly and I looked at the screen irritated.

Bushy Eyebrows.
Ugh what now?

"What tf you want, stupid?"
I heard a really worried voice on the other side.
"Um.. It's about Eren. Look he's not fine. We think he's having a panic attack. Just come here now. Now, Levi. "
I didn't even bother to reply him, but jumped out of the bed and ran as fast as I could to the door.
I particularly slammed it shut after me and then ran down the stairs.

Third POV

" Hey, Eren. " Armin called quietly the boy." Are you ready?"

Eren peeked up from under the table just as the raven stormed out of the flat like an arrow.

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