chapter 1

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welcome, i hope you like my first story:)


It was evening when not many people pay attention who's among them. I was wandering in the market with one of my friends.

"We should go back to the palace, princess" I stopped and watched her for second.

"c'mon we just got here, that's my favorite place" I said facing toward a shop in the market.

"But we can have this thing in the palace as well" she said whining about the fact that I took her outside the palace just because of such trivial thing.

"You are right, I can get it in palace as well, but this is my favorite place to eat dumplings." I said and ordered a plate.

Yes, I was talking about dumplings. I don't know why but whenever I eat those dumplings it felt familiar to me like an old friend. Till I am eating the dumplings let me give you a brief introduction to my kingdom, this place is called RAVARYN, place where people are living their life under the king named THEODORE. I am the daughter of the king, princess of this kingdom. There's a story behind my birth. For several years, my mother was not able to conceive. To find a solution of this, king decided to see a shaman. After a year, queen gave birth to me, Y/N.

 After a year, queen gave birth to me, Y/N

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RAVARYN is a beautiful and powerful kingdom, where people live with peace. It is surrounded by 3 other kingdoms, namely MOTONUI, REDVERS and TARGARYEN, from which REDVERS and TARGARYEN are the enemy of RAVARYN. MOTONUI doesn't hold much power against these 3 nations, that is why he is ally of RAVARYN. There is a forest surrounding RAVARYN. People believe that there are some creatures living in that forest. But there is a secret of this forest, a secret kingdom where mystical creatures lives who have magical powers, kingdom named ARDOTOLIA and ruled by their king named kim taehyung.

He is known among his kingdom as a ruthless and merciless king, famously known as "walking bomb" among the people living in that kingdom

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He is known among his kingdom as a ruthless and merciless king, famously known as "walking bomb" among the people living in that kingdom.

Y/N was always curios about that forest. She didn't believe that there are creatures inside the forest. she wanted to see what is inside that forest that their people fear to go even near to it, with her own eyes to cure her curiosity.

On one side people were living peacefully but on the other side, ARDOTOLIA was preparing for the war against the 4 nations.



"Your majesty, preparation are going alright, in 3 weeks we will be able to attack RAVARYN." general jeon said while bowing to me.

"Make it 2 weeks" I said, "I don't want to wait any longer. we have wasted so many years thinking about those lowly creatures. I want to watch those kings begging me, yearning for freedom for their nation. And making them feel how we felt these years." a smirk appeared on my face.

"Yes, your majesty" general jeon said and left.

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