chapter 6

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Both, Taehyung and y/n, standing facing back to each other, holding swords. The warriors drew their swords and charged forward. The clashing of steel filled the air. 

y/n countered the enemy's strike with ease, sidestepping with fluency. when the other warrior's relentless attack caught her off guard, leaving her wounded. The quick slicing of the sword left her sleeve shredded into a neat row of bloody ribbons. But she was not scared. With a deft move, she lunged at him in a determined counterattack and left a swordman unconscious.

on the other side, Taehyung was in the combat with the swordmen. He narrowly avoided the blade slicing through the air toward his face. He continued thrusting his sword forward in quick movements as he danced around his opponent. His attack left one of the warriors without sword, when he charged at him and made him unconscious. 

Now it was two versus two, but situation was getting worse. One of the warriors charged on y/n, when the sword from her hand slipped. Swordman saw the chance and attacked her. Luckily, she dodged it, but her hand got seriously injured.


" I have to admit, you are great fighter. now two swordmen are down. All we have left is these two. Let's finish it quickly." I said as I charged on a warrior and left him mortally wounded.

Done. Now only one is left. That's when I heard the scream of y/n. I looked back just to find her hand extremely wounded that she is not even able to lift it.

"How dare you?!!" I don't know why but it fumed the anger inside me. I attacked on the swordman, hurting his left arm so that he could feel her pain then the right. He has to pay double for what he did. I was ready to kill him when I heard y/n's voice.

"Stop, your majesty. we need someone alive to see who and what they are planning." I stopped as she said that and made him unconscious.

"Are you okay?" 

"Are you worried about me?" 

"No, I'm not." I am worried, I am worried to death. But don't know why.


 "No, I'm not." 

"But you like you are" I whispered. 

Mr. rude: Get up.

" How can you even think that I can get up from the floor when I can't even lift my hand."

I was whining on the floor, when he picked me up from the floor in his hands. At first, I found it weird, but I looked in his eyes and it somehow felt the safest place to me.

Mr. rude: Stop looking at me.

" I'm not. Can you take me to my room and not tell my father about me fighting here?" I thought father would be worried. So, it would be right to not tell him.

  "As you say. but firstly, you need to be treated. I am taking you to my room. "

"Why your room though?"

"General jeon have some medicine so we would be able to cure your hand." tomorrow is banquet, so it would be right to treat my hand before.



He was carrying me all the way to his room. Thank God there wasn't soldiers at that time. We went inside, but there wasn't anyone.

"Sit here for a while." he said making me to sit on the couch and went to get medicine.

"Give your hand."

" I can apply it myself."

" You weren't even about to lift your hand, and you want to apply it yourself. fine do it."

I took medicine from him and tried to apply but he was right. I wasn't even able to open the bottle.

"Give it to me." He said while snatching the medicine from me. And started applying on my wound patiently, even when I was literally screaming from pain. But he was being so gentle with wound that I even forgot that I am in pain. whenever I hissed in the pain, he would blow the wound to make me feel alright. Okay, it worked!!! I didn't realize that I was wounded that time and just looked at his face like he was the medicine to my pain.


"Give it to me." I took the medicine from her and started to apply on her wound. She literally fought people with swords just now, but she is feeling the pain while applying the medicine. what a child!! she hissed in pain, and I wasn't able to handle it, so I decided to blow over her wound like my mom did in my childhood. Why does it feel that I am with a child. I used my powers to cure her wound. She kept looking at me, but I didn't feel uncomfortable, I was feeling happy that she is looking at me.

"You were wounded as well. let me apply medicine." she said after I treated her wound. But I had already cured myself.

"you're not injured. we fought with swords, and you are not injured even a bit. Are you a superhuman that you didn't even get a cut." She said in sarcasm but how do I say that I am superhuman.

anyway, after some time she left for her room so that no one find her here, in my room. I told the soldiers about those intruders in palace and that I was the one who did these all to them. 3 of them were dead and other 2 were with me. I took them to know who is the person trying to kill the king?

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