chapter 16

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I was shattered in the thoughts of what future hold for us. But we should also focus on the present. So, I decided to spend a whole day with y/n. we walked towards the royal garden.

"We should have fun today?" I said to distract her from the worries she held inside her. "Is there somewhere you want to go or something you want to try?" I added.

Y/N's response caught me off guard. "I'm actually not allowed to go outside the palace. Thats why I ran away from you in the market that day." I knew there was something wrong when she didn't wanted her father to know about it.

Concerned, I reached out to reassure her. "Y/N, you don't have to explain if you're not comfortable, but I'm here for you. Whatever you're going through, we'll face it together."

A playful sparkle returned to Y/N's eyes as she sought to shift the conversation away from her troubles. "Why not you show me your magical powers? Like what else can you do?" she suggested, a hint of mischief dancing in her gaze.

chuckling at her curiosity, I decided to indulge her request, grateful for the opportunity to share a moment amidst the seriousness of our concerns.

Focusing my energy, I conjured a small display of magic, causing colorful sparks to dance in the air before fading away.

Y/N's laughter echoed through the garden, and for a brief moment, the worries of the world seemed to melt away. we continued our stroll through the garden, in the simple joy of each other's company.


when Taehyung was showing his magical power prince Ivan was standing near the window watching them," so it's true that being with magical power live among them. I thought it was just a fantasy, but they do live." a smirk appeared on his face. He thought if somehow, he makes a good connection with them, it would be beneficial for him. 

He watched them for a little longer, only to figure out that Taehyung likes y/n. it won't be easy to make him come to his side. so, he thought to kill him. 


General jeon came towards me and said, "your majesty, there is something we need to talk about."

We both went away for a while "What is it about?"

"Those 2 warriors that you took. they are not opening their mouth about who sent them to kill princess y/n's father."

"Do whatever you have to do, whether it is pouring hot water on them or throwing them in hot pit. I don't care. don't kill them but make them suffer so that they will tell who sent them. y/n's safety depend on it."

General jeon: yes, your majesty.


I spent whole day with her and now it was time to go back to my room. but I didn't want to go. so, I decided to stay for some hours.

I saw tense expression on her face, so I held her hand and asked," what happened?"

It's about the wedding. it is in 9 days. what do we do?" there was pain in her voice making me sad.

"Should we just run away from here. In my kingdom. no one knows about it. it will be the best place." I wanted her to smile after listening it but she seemed confused.

"I said yes to father's order. now if i ran away, leaving my father in this all, it eventually will lead to the war between the two nations."

" Then let it be. if you want i can be the ally of RAVARYN and we can win the war easily." I looked at her for her answer.

" I don't want war in the first place. Thats why I accepted father's order. I don't want innocents to die because of me."

"I understand your sense of duty," I murmured, squeezing her hand gently in reassurance. "But your happiness matters too. Is there truly no way?"

"Let's find a way, together." I smiled at her response. We can think of a solution to this problem together. I'm sure of it.

We kept thinking about the solution but in the end fell asleep as we didn't got any sleep last night.

Next morning

I woke up, finding myself with y/n who was sleeping peacefully. The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on her. For a moment, I simply savored the quiet beauty of the moment, feeling grateful to have her by my side.

Careful not to disturb her, I shifted slightly to get more comfortable, tucking the blankets around us both. As I gazed at her, a fond smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

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