chapter 8

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I can sense something going on inside Taehyung about y/n. I am his friend after all. I should help him clearing his thoughts about y/n. So, I decided to ask y/n for dance to confirm my gut feeling and to see if Taehyung gets mad about it or not.


I was on dance floor, when I saw them. Jimin's hand was on her waist making me frustrated. I clenched my jaw and decided to not pay attention to them. But What can I do!!! They are so close to each other. Again!! This uncertain feeling. Why am I feeling it?!


During the dance, partners had to change as a step. That's when Taehyung and y/n paired up.

his hand was on her waist, making her distracted from the work she had to do. They both come close to each other without knowing. now it was just some inches distance between them!! heartbeat of both were on another level. it was like heart can come out of their chest anytime. 

he lifted his hand and started to caress the side of y/n's face without knowing. Both were looking at each other's eyes, when his thumb went towards her lips. As he traced the contours of her face, a tender warmth spread through Y/N's heart. 

She couldn't help but meet his gaze, feeling a magnetic pull drawing her closer to him. Their eyes locked, a silent understanding passing between them in the moment. Yet, when his gaze shifted to her lips, a surge of anticipation shot through her, her breath catching in her throat. She leaned towards him, when due to an announcement, she realized what she was about to do and left from there.

on the other hand, Taehyung was controlling himself from kissing her when she leaned towards him. so, he followed her. After some time, he found her catching her breath.

 her cheeks flushed with a mix of exhilaration and anticipation. The air around them crackled with an unspoken tension, a magnetic pull drawing them closer with every passing moment. Taehyung's heart raced as he gazed into her eyes, feeling the intoxicating warmth of her presence enveloping him. Unable to resist any longer, he gently cupped her face in his hands, his thumb tracing the curve of her cheek as he leaned in, his lips hovering just inches from hers, as if seeking permission. 

And in that breathless moment, as their desires intertwined, he finally closed the distance, sealing their connection with a tender, lingering kiss that spoke volumes of the emotions they dared not voice aloud.

on one side, both were in each other embrace, and on the other side, y/n's father had different plans.


King: are you enjoying, prince Ivan?

Ivan: yes!! it is a great banquet king. thanks for inviting us.

Ivan's father: Now we should talk about what we actually came here. Marriage of prince Ivan and princess y/n!!

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