Chapter 19

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After hearing her, Taehyung's lips met y/n's, a surge of desire moved through him, igniting a dark passion that he had never felt before.

He made y/n sat on his lap and started kissing again, but this time more passionately. He made the kiss deeper by pulling her close to him. Y/n was also liking it, but was struggling to keep up with his pace. But the heat of the moment started to take over her body and she started to move her mouth more quickly. Her hands were on his head, fingers entangled with his hair.

His hands traced the curve of her waist, making y/n feel the knots in her stomach. His lips started to move from her mouth to her neck, making her moan, that obviously he was liking.

 Taehyung's hands explored her with a hunger that matched her own. Every touch sent shivers of pleasure coursing through her body; her skin electrified by the intensity of their shared passion.

Thats when a knock happened on the door. They were into each other so intensely that they didn't care about it. But as the knocking on the door grew louder, a sense of urgency began to creep into the edges of their consciousness. With a reluctant sigh, Taehyung reluctantly pulled away from Y/N's lips, his gaze clouded with desire as he glanced towards the door.

"Should we...?" Y/N began, her voice husky with need, but Taehyung silenced her with a tender kiss, his fingers trailing gently along her cheek.

"Let them wait," he murmured against her lips, his eyes filled with a hunger that mirrored her own. "Right now, all that matters is us."

Finally, the door burst open, and a startled voice called out, breaking through the intensity of their embrace.

"Taehyung! Y/N!" Jimin's voice rang out, filled with shock and disbelief as he took in the scene before him.

Startled, Taehyung and Y/N moved away, their faces flushed with embarrassment as they realized they had been caught.

"Jimin, I..." Taehyung began, his voice fading out as he struggled to find the words to explain.

Jimin's expression was a mix of amusement and understanding. "I'll, uh, give you two some privacy," he said, his cheeks flushing pink as he quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind him with a soft click.

Taehyung and Y/N exchanged sheepish glances, their embarrassment giving way to a shared moment of laughter.

"Maybe we should, uh, lock the door next time," Taehyung suggested with a mocking smile, earning a playful slap from Y/N as they collapsed into each other's arms, still giggling like teenagers caught in the act.

Door opened again. "Sorry to interrupt, but I thought you should know... y/n's father is asking for you," Jimin said softly.

 "Thank you, Jimin, for again coming," Taehyung replied, his voice hoarse with emotion. 

y/n giggled and said, "I'll be there in a moment."

Taehyung turned back to Y/N, a tender smile gracing his lips at her playful response. Despite the interruption, he couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his heart at her laughter, a reminder of the joy she brought into his life.

"Looks like we'll have to continue this later," Taehyung said with a hint of reluctance, his eyes lingering on Y/N's face as if trying to memorize every detail. "Take your time, Y/N," Taehyung said, his gaze lingering on her with adoration. "I'll be waiting for you."

Y/N nodded, her gaze soft and affectionate as she reached out to gently caress Taehyung's cheek.

With one last lingering kiss, Taehyung reluctantly tore himself away from Y/N's embrace, his heart already yearning for the moment they could be together again.


I went to meet my father. 

 Father: y/n!!! come here. meet them.

I bowed to the people Infront of me when father said," they are your in-laws."

My mind stopped for a second. what is the king of TARGARYEN come here when he didn't even come on the banquet.

Father: They came here because of your marriage. We are changing the date of your marriage. it was happening 6 days from today but now it will happen after 3 days from today.

My heart sank in the pain as those words from my father echoed in the room. I looked at my father, wanting to get answer from him. But all i got was disappointment. 

"And our engagement will be held tomorrow princess." prince Ivan came inside the room. As he said those words, broke my heart. I felt like everyone in that room, including my own father, was conspiring against me. 

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