chapter 4

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I decide to visit my father regarding the book. He is with ministers, but he never stopped me from meeting him any time whether he is with anyone or not, and even I can't control anymore. All these questions from that book making it difficult for me to focus on one thing and then that person from market is coming in my mind every second, it would be right to visit him right now.

As I entered the hall, there were 3 new faces standing in front of me. But wait why they look familiar. And flashback from some hours hit me. They are the one whom I met in market. I lifted my face and decided to talk to the father and just to left from there as I dint want them to say that I was in the market Infront of my father. He would kill me this time.

"Good morning, father" I said clearing my throat.

Father: Morning, Y/N. why are you here today?

Y/N: actually, I wanted to talk to you about the book--

Father: I knew you would come asking about the book. Let's talk about it later. Look, they are our guest for some next days. He is king of BRAIZA, Kim Taehyung.

I looked at him, he was staring at me with those dark eyes sending chills down my spine. But still I tried to look okay so I bowed, and said "nice to meet you, your majesty."

"Nice to meet you too, princess" his deep voice made me more nervous.

"Nice to meet you too, princess" other two said as I bowed to them.

Father: Can you help them to look around the palace princess.

As father said it, my eyes widened.

How can I show him around after the incident of market. But what else I can do.

Y/N: Yes, father.


??: Princess is coming!!

I looked back and saw a small figure entered the hall. She was the girl from the market. Watching her made my blood boil but wait she is princess of RAVARYN. What a small world.


After coming out of the hall

Jimin: so, you are princess of this kingdom. no wonder you were so confident out there.

Y/N: Where are you talking about, sir? (I laughed nervously)

Jimin: you were in the market, right?

Y/N: no, no I wasn't maybe you saw someone else.

Jimin: but it was you..

"So first of all, you guys must be wanting to rest. Let me show you your rooms." I said in hope to divert the conversation, but I don't have such thing like fate.

Mr. rude: no, we would like to see around the palace.

Y/N: fine then, which place you want to see first.

Mr. rude: you chose the place.

"Fine, let's go" I decided a place that will bore them so that they go to their room afterwards.


Y/N: no, no I wasn't maybe you saw someone else.

I know you are the market girl. But lucky for you to be princess here, I can't do anything right now. When the war will happen, you would be the first one to die by hand girl.


Jimin: why do we need to see library, especially BOOKS!!!

Market girl: It's my favorite place, where I can let my imagination come true. 

"Now that we are here, lets read some books general jeon." I said hinting him to find something against RAVARYN that can be beneficial for us.

General jeon: yes, your majesty.

We both went toward the bookshelf.


Wait they are interested in books. SHIT!!!! I thought I will just leave them in their room. Frustration was taking over me.

Jimin: you are sure, you weren't in the market some time ago.

"No" I swear if this person wasn't sweet, I would have----

Why is that Mr. Rude picking up that book. I am reading it right now. if he misplaces the bookmark.

"NO!!!!!" shit, I said it out loud. everyone is looking at me.

"That is my book, I am reading it. give it back."

" I don't want to it is interesting" ahh he is making me more frustrated.

"Just give it back, read something else." I tried to grab the book from his hand, when he took advantage of his tall height and raised the book above out of my reach. But I don't give up easily. I tiptoed and tried to reach but it was of no use. ah he is so tall.

Mr. rude: you're height is like a child but want to take this book from me. what a joke.

Did he just joke about me. Just wait Mr. rude. I started to tickle him so that he keeps the book down.

Mr. rude (while laughing): stop before I kill you!!!

"I am not stopping until you give me my book." before I could realize, his face was just some inches away from mine. This close that I can even count the moles on his face. I have to admit that he is handsome. His hair like veins intervened falling on his face making it look more handsome, pretty brown eyes twinkling like stars, and shining like a diamond on a golden ring.

I didn't realize that I was staring in his eyes from last minute. but what can I do they are so pretty.

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