Waiting in Apprehension

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Today is not the day for birds
Or taking a walk in the park
It's not the day for payoffs
Or great moments of feeling
Tomorrow is a change
And not a good one
So today must be today
And that's all it can be

Days like today are only still
Days like today everyone seems to be rushing past
They have days like any other
But today is a day of dread
A voice seems to say
Something is going to happen
But not today

Tomorrow is the time to face the growing shadow
Strings play like a horror movie
Swelling and swelling
Until gravity transforms into trepidation
These mistakes are not your own
But they haunt you today

You only want rest
You want the grief to end
You want for the days of certainty
You know things will work out
But they won't today

Questions appear
Is this the time to run?
Is this the time to take charge?
You ask but you don't know how

Seconds move past
The clock has no time for your comfort
Tomorrow everything will change

There should be forgiveness
You don't know if you can brave it

So you sit and wait

Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No.10, Scene. Moderato
Coriolan Overture, Op.62
The Four Seasons (Vivaldi, Adrian Chandler, La Serenissima)

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