Grateful Vows of Progress

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Looking back on the scribblings in my vault
I find the views I had were more clear than previously thought
In my grayed hours I believed them to be only wishes
But every night that passes only creates more distance
My naive optimism is not that of empty hopes
My creationist genes offered transparent stringy ropes
But evolution is based on fact, and the data is mine to find
There are no blocks on my street which I cannot find
But the road is there, paved and primed
I'll continue to drive and stop at toll booths on my way
I'll miss and love the ones who prevented my stray
I'll take my mission and conquer my panic
I'll offer my hand to the weary and forgiveness to the manic
I'll measure my pride and humbly sing my song
I'll dance in my work and I'll rewrite my wrong
Mornings like this give me joy and adoration
To the nights that I struggled but remained filled with my unbroken aspirations

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