Failure, my Love

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Failure, my friend
I know you so well
We seem to find each other wherever we go
The fleeting glances we share is nothing compared to the bond
I share with fear
Fear is my soulmate
But my temptation is constantly raised when you're present
You have a type of beauty Fear can only dream of
I cannot be anything but myself with you
While Fear brings out a side of me
A side I cannot fathom
A side I cannot accept
But it must because it is my truest part
Failure, you eternally dance within my thoughts
The relief and pain you bring
It cannot be measured or compared
The greatest pleasure comes with you
Will you be the one I wed?
Will I bear your offspring?
Will you be cemented in the genes of our children,
Because I could not live apart from you?
Pleasure, my dearest one, let me be!
I need only for your absence
You and failure share the same name
I cannot live with you
And yet I cannot die knowing I'm without you
The Earth will surely continue to spin
Nature will continue to flow
But my heart will stop
How can I find peace when you are always present?
You emerge from me with every breath
Like smoke you entangle me
You find me at my weakest and strongest
Your beauty traps me in a destiny I make
I make it for you, dearest failure
You are my rock and you will forevermore be my savior
Whether I choose you or not

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