Requesting your assistance

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Kill me again in silence
Justify my warts and cross my arms
In my vault,
Progress finds nothing but steel and darkness
So back away, back away
Take as many paces as you can
Hold your firing arm outwards
Push me, push me
I must fall so I may shatter
The earth cannot,
So I'll be the one to carry the blame and burden
Hold us, dear one
Signals will not carry
Bones will not heal
Muscles will not flex
My strength has been lost for some time now
You, dear you,
Must be the one to remember our Sundays
It would be such a sin,
For those memories to perish with me

This is dark I know, it was written while in a dark place. This is not a cry for help or some edgy wannabe bull, I promise! Hope anyone who reads is enjoying :)

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