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Every day I see the images
I see smoke rising black and mighty
The curtain you hide behind is lit
By the bombs you make and supply
In the flashes of light of your harbingers
I see dusty fingers of infants stiff
I see the backs of children pointed upwards
I see the hair of the women
I see the blood of men
I see the people you've killed
I hear the sounds every day from my soft shelter
I hear the booming of the tools you've sold
I hear the screams of the mothers you've wronged
I hear the shouts of loved ones names
I feel the earth shake from this side of the globe
I feel the pain in my peers voices
I feel the anger you so shamelessly search for
Your reason to silence the outrage you commission
I see the fear in the people you protect
I have no want of their harm or demise
I wish only to stop smelling the burnt flesh
I wish I could cover my eyes
But I see the chains on the wrists
Of the people I shared playgrounds with
When they call out names of the people you've doomed
And stand unmoving in the place where they live
I see the destruction my countrymen bring
I have no want of the wreckage their anger permits
But you know, as we know
This comes after your blind attacks
On the healthy as well as unfit
You preach our rights are unwavering
You say you allow us to complain
You call us terrorists when we exercise our rights
You call us dangerous and unlawful
As if we made the weaponry or planes
We stand in the same spots that our mothers did
While they carried our small bodies in their arms
We felt safe and empowered
By the freedom we thought we had
Your injustice truly knows no bounds
If you truly believe your stance
Is that of brotherhood and righteous policing
Tell me why you arm your men heavily
To face pimpled students, fresh out of high school?
They only shout when they don't sing or pray
They only march when they don't lay their backs to grassy blankets
They only look at your soldiers unwavering in the eye
When they're not looking at books or counting stars in the sky
Yes how dare them. How dare we?
Want others to fulfill their rights of existence

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