Letting go

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The little hand is on 11
I feel the seconds rolling past
As much as I want them to still
I need them to go by and fast

I feel the shift happening
It began long ago
But sitting in my single pew
I understand what I now sew

I felt a click this Sunday
I'm not sure if it was Him or me
But I fell into a hole years ago
And I'm just now seeing how to be free

The pain that's there still resonates
But it's all becoming smaller
Now I'm beginning to feel ready
Now I'm standing taller

I know I must still wait
But only for a while longer
New problems will find me
But they're only making me stronger

I think I'm ready to say goodbye
At least, it seems I am
I slowly feel this shift happening
To womanhood from lamb

Tomorrow I'll debate this feeling
But I should, this feeling is new
I no longer gripe about my past
I've been found as if on cue

So now that the little hand is on 11
And the seconds are rolling past
I now don't think I want them to still
I think I'm ready to let go, at last

Violin Concerto in D minor: Op. 47 I. Allegro moderato- Jean Sibelius

Andante Festivo- Jean Sibelius

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