Bee Loving B

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There's a sting on my back
From a silly bee who got lost
Between my ribs and above my heart
It oozes down my spine and pierces like a dart
I itch and squeeze
But nothing seems to cease
The flowing eroding feeling
That it seems to secrete
Did the sting paralyze my legs?
Have they ever been able to move?
The mind reels and seeks to prove
This must be a mistake
I could walk before
But now the sting is melting my feet to the floor
My ears feel hot
I lift my hair to cool them
But I find there's nothing
No petals just stem
I touch my neck and find it's expanded
I feel for me ears but more neck, my hands have landed
I begin to panic and hold my hands before my eyes
I feel my heart sink as they wear a leafy disguise
But wait, my heart continues to sink
I wait and sense my heart split in two
And the halves begin to fall through my feet
My feet that are buried now
Not on floor but in dirt
I look up and see the other bees on alert
I want to weep
I want to moan
But my mouth has disappeared
And my eyes are sewn
How could this happen to me?
Have I always been like this or was it the bee?
My thoughts once speedy now begin to slow
My mind follows my heart
I sink below
Now with the earth, I am one
I feel no panic, no pain
I feed on the light and drink in the rain
I don't know what I was before
But I know what I am
I'm a flower on mrsbeesgarden's instagram

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