Meeting Mina and the Accident

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A 4 year old Eijirou Kirishima is playing at the park where he sees' a pink girl with yellow horns get picked on by a group of kids.

"Hey it's not manly to pick on a other people" yelled Kirishima as he ran over to the group of kids to help the pink girl.

The pink girl looked at Kirishima asking "why are you helping someone like me." Kiri then looked back at her and said "because that is what heros do and it wouldn't be very manly of me not help you."

She then started to cry and the bullies started to laugh at the two of them. "You really think she needs to be saved, cause how I see it she needs to be beat down cause she looks like an Alien" said one of the bullies.

Kiri then looked the bully right in the eyes and then punched him so hard on the nose that is started to bleed, which made the others scared so they ran away.

"Hey I never got your name. My name is Eijirou Kirishima."

"My name is Mina Ashido and thanks for helping me. I was wondering if you would like to be friends."

"I would love to be your friend Mina." Right as Kiri finished his sentence he heard his name being called. "Sorry Mina, but I have to go now I hope to see you again very soon."

"That's ok, Kiri I hope to see you again as well" said Mina as she is waving to Kiri as he walks away.

Once Kiri finds the voice that called him which is his big brother Izuku.

"Hey Eijirou, we need to get going home now so we can go out for dinner. Also how was your time at the park."

Kiri looked up at his brother with the brightest smile saying "I had fun and I made a new friend named Mina. I had to save her from a group of bullies that were picking on her and I may have also punched one of the bullies."

"That is very good that you helped her, but please don't punch anyone next time please ok. Also I won't tell mom and dad this will be are little secret sounds good."

"Yes brother I promise not to punch anyone else."

Once the two boy's got home Izuku notice that the front door was open abit and one of the windows' was broken. Izuku then told Kiri to go to the neighbours house so they could call the police.

"Why do I need to" Izuku then looked down to Kiri with a very serious face which Kiri has never seen on his brother before. "Kiri please just listen to what ask ok, I will explain to you later what is happening."

"Ok brother"

After kiri left for the neighbours house, Izuku then goes into the house. When he made it to the Living Room he finds his parents dead on the floor with varying degrees of injuries'. Izuku then ran up to his parents crospes screaming while trying to wake them up even though he already knows' they are dead.

"Mom Dad please wake up you need to be here for me and Kiri. Come on please we really really need you."

Over with Kiri at the neighbours house, he knocked on the door and a older women walked out saying "Hello young boy, what do you need."

"Hello mam I was wondering if I could use your phone to call the police please." Right then they hear a scream over at the Kirishima household, the lady then said "come in while I call the police. Also do you know who that was."

"Yes I do know that was my big brother Izuku." Kiri then walked into the house with the lady with a scared face worried that something happened to his brother.

20 minutes later some Pro heros' and police show up and find Izuku crying over his parents bodies. One of the officers walked over to Izuku saying "Hello young man we got a call saying that something had happened here. So I was wondering if you could tell me what had happened." (even though we can tell what happened poor boy.)

Izuku then looked up with tears running down his face "when me and my little brother got home from the park. I found the door open and one of the windows broken. I then told my little brother to go call you guys, as I came into the house to find my parents like this."

"Ok thanks for telling me. Now will you follow me outside so we can go find your little brother. also could you tell me if you have any other family you could live with."

"Yes Sir. Also I don't have any other family, but it's fine I think we will be fine to live by ourselves if we need to."

'Poor kid' the officer thinks.

Once they get outside, they see Kiri standing with the old lady behind the police tape. Once the two brothers see each other they run to each other hugging and Izuku started to cry again.

"Brother why are you crying."

When Izuku heard that he broke down more saying "Eijiro I am so so sorry, I can't believe I am saying this, but Mom and Dad are dead I am sorry."

"What that can't be true Izu we just saw them this morning. How can they be dead."

The two brothers cried in each others arms until Kiri fell asleep. After that Izuku started to wonder how the future will be for the two of them.

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