Meeting Kirishima brother

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Everyone has been going to UA for about 2 months now. The class is sitting at their desks listening to Aizawa teach them.

"Ok everyone we are going to do a group project and before anyone asks you can pick your groups and can also have as many as you want as well."

Some of the class cheered, Aizawa then used his quirk to make the class quite. After they did Aizawa then continued to talk.

"Your project is about hero history, you get to pick three hero's and then make a slideshow about those heros. You have 2 weeks to complete this."

The bell then rings and Aizawa says "You may all leave now"

The Bakusquade then all meet up at Katsuki desk.

"So my guess is we are all going to do this project together" said Sero

"Yes and who's house do we want to use to do the project at" asked Mina

Everyone is talking until Katsuki says "why don't we use shitty hairs house."

When Kiri heard that he didn't know what to say and then he panicked saying "yes that is fine"

Mina then looked at her friend knowing that he panicked cause he is worried about the others finding out that he is poor and then they make him feel that he doesn't shouldn't be at UA.

The group leave the school talking about what they are going to do and many other random things on their walk. When the group gets to the apartment they go inside and then go to the Livingroom.

When they went to the LIvingroom they all sat down and Kiri asked "does anyone want anything to eat or drink"

"I would like a water please" said Jirou

"I will like a soda please bro" said Kami and Sero agreed with him as well.

Bakugou said "I would also take a soda shitty hair"

Kiri went to the Kitchen to get the drinks and some snacks. Mina then gets up saying "I will be back, I am going to go help Kiribabe."

Mina went to the Kitchen to help Kiri grab stuff and then the two went back to the Livingroom.

When they get back, they then hand everyone their drinks and they then sit down.

"So what hero's are we going to do this project about" asked Mina

"I think one of them should be Crimson Riot" said Kiri

"I think the other one should be _____" said Kami

"And the last one should be ______" said Mina

"OK so does anyone have any other hero they want to do" Mina said and then no one else said anything.

"Ok now lets get started"

The group start talking about their project for about 4 hours until they hear the front door open and a young man yells "Kiri are you home"

The group looked at Kiri as he yelled back to the man saying "I am in the Livingroom with some classmates"

The man then walks over to the group and they notice how tall and tried the man is. Kami leaned over Kiri asking "who is that" Kiri then looks over at him saying "that is my older brother"

Kami then yelled "THAT IS YOUR BROTHER"

The young man then laughed saying "yes kiddo I am his older brother and my name is Izuku"

Mina then walked over to Izuku hugging him. "Hello Mina. How was your day and what are you guys doing"

"My day was good Izu and we are doing a project about hero's"

"Sounds fun and could you please introduce me to your friends"

"Yes I can Izu. The blond with the lighting bolt is Kaminari" Kami then waved a little intimated by the size of Izuku. Mina then continued "the one with black hair is Sero, purple hair is Jirou and the spiky blond is Bakugou."

The three waved to Izuku. Izuku then said "It's nice to meet you all and what would you kiddo's want for dinner if you haven't eaten yet."

"I think we will have pizza bro" said Kiri

"Sounds good bud. I will go call and you can all have a break from your project. Also if you guys want you can stay the night if your parents are ok with it."

Izuku then walks out of the room pulling out his phone to call for pizza.

After Izuku left the room, Kami then gets up saying "that is your brother man he is scary and his quirk doesn't match yours's"

Kiri and Mina laughed with Kiri saying "yes Kami he is my brother and don't worry he's not scary, he is a big softy. Also his quirk comes from are grandfather"

"Hey man I am wondering were are your parents" asked Sero

Kiri then looked down sad saying "my parents died when I was younger. I don't know what happened and Izuku wont tell me what happened, but he was the one that found them."

"Oh my god sorry for asking man"

"Thats ok Serobro"

The group tried to do something that would make the room less sad.

45 minutes later Izuku came back with pizza.

"Hey kiddo's I am back with pizza"

"Yay pizza" said Sero and Kaminari

Izuku then puts the pizza on the coffee table and then goes to leave the room.

"Hey Izuku where are you going" asked Kirishima

"I am going to my room so you can hangout with your friends"

"No it's fine if you hangout with us. If the others are ok with it"

The rest of the group said yes to Izuku staying, who then says "Ok I will stay for a bit kiddo's, because I need to work tomorrow."

The group then watch comedy movies while eating pizza. After about 2 hours everyone fell asleep. Izuku then grabbed some blankets and then puts them on the group, then he goes to his bedroom to go to bed.

The next day the group wakes up to Izuku making breakfast.

Izuku then comes into the Livingroom and says "So you kiddo's are finally awake"

"What do you mean finally" asked Kiri

Izuku then looked at the clock and says "it is 11:00 and now I have to get ready for work. So come eat your breakfast kiddo's"

Izuku leaves for work and the group eat their breakfast and then they hangout for the rest of the day.

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