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Cat told Caitlyn all about the ping pong scam, which she wanted to be a part of. Just so she can be with Beck. She loves hanging out with him and their other friends, minus Tori. "So, do you want to join?" Cat asked.

"You know me. I love making people think I'm doing something when behind doors...Caitlyn Valentine is having the time of her life." She stated as she texted Beck. "I get to spend time with my twin and my boyfriend, plus the others, minus Tori."

Cat looked at her. "You truly don't like her."

"Cat, I don't trust her." She tells the redhead. "Tori is doing everything to get between me and Beck, but she knows it won't work. Beck doesn't see her like that and she just can't seem to quit. And the only thing the girl did was try to make me look bad."

The redhead smiled at her and hugged her. "You are way prettier than Tori and Beck loves you just the way you are. Just like you love him."

"I wouldn't say love...."


"Okay!" She says. "I'm in love with Beck Oliver."
Walking into the school, Caitlyn smiled as she walked towards her locker, she thought about what they were doing later. Beck saw her and walked over. "Follow me, beautiful."

Looking at him, she smiled. "Sure, handsome, but I have something to tell you. I've been working on a song with Andre and he knows it's dedicated to you and that I hope you like it. Maybe it might cause us to leave a little early."

"Now, I want to hear that song."

"Nope. I won't let you know till later." She tells him kissing him. "Now, let's meet up with Jade."

Tori was confused with what was happening. Caitlyn knew something like the rest and yet, she doesn't. Which makes her angry because Caitlyn is well liked by their friends than she is. The only ones that like her are Andre, Cat and Nick. "Why doesn't she like me?"

"Maybe because you go after Beck knowing he is in love with my sister." Cat tells her. "Just move on to someone else. There is someone that will love you like you would them. Okay?"

Tori nodded and went to class to speak to Jade. She hopes Jade lets her join.
Beck was kissing Caitlyn's neck as the others talked. The white haired girl was a bit confused. She looked at the snack machine wondering what was different. "Baby?"


"What's wrong?"

"Is it me or do you get the feeling of being watched?" She asked him.

Beck looked at his girlfriend just for them to hear someone screamed out. They looked to see Tori. "You know, something told me she was going to do that." She tells him as he sighed. "Don't worry about her, Beck. We still get to enjoy our time. With a nosy person."

"Works for me." He says kissing her head. "Now, what are you wearing to the restaurant."

Caitlyn didn't reply as she knew what she was wearing and she hopes he likes it. "For me to know and for you to find out, Beck." She tells him as she heard them make a deal with Tori. "She's not going to tell Tori about dressing formally."

"Nope." He says. "Oh well, it's on her."

"True. Let's go."
The night of dinner, Caitlyn made sure to wear her red sparkly dress. She met up with Beck and her friends. "Wow." Beck says seeing what she had on. "You look amazing."

'Thank you." She tells him. "I had this hiding in the closet for a while and since we are going to a fancy restaurant, I thought it was time to bring this out."

Tori arrived to see everyone dressed formally. Jade saw what Tori had on making her realize that she left out to dress formally. Looking at her sister, Caitlyn had one thing to say. "This night is going to be a disaster." She says. "I can already tell it."

"Don't worry about it. Think about this as a date with others with us, but we can simply ignore them." He tells her. "We always managed too."

Caitlyn smiled as she knew they could ignore them. Taking his hand, the group was leaving the school with a trophy for their fake win. Tori looked at them and wondered what made Caitlyn different.
At dinner, everyone was chatting about the 'next game.' That was till the bill was handed over. "Uh oh." They heard. "We don't have enough money."

"What do you mean?" Caitlyn grabbed the bill and saw why. "Oh. That's a lot. I think where it was just you guys, it was easier to pay now with me and Tori..."

"Don't blame yourself, baby. We'll figure something out."

Caitlyn looked at him as she got to thinking about what they can do. She smiled as she walked over to the manager of the place to see if there is a way to sort the bill.

Beck watched his girlfriend talk to the manager who nodded causing her to smile as she grabbed a mic. "So, this song I have been working on for a while with my dear friend for my boyfriend." She says. "This song is called Dangerous Woman, because there is something about you Beck that makes me feel like a dangerous woman."

The music started playing causing him to listen. Everyone in the restaurant listened to the white haired girl sing. Beck couldn't believe this woman was dancing and sing, but the song, the song was what had him. Just her singing and dancing had him wanting this dangerous woman.

Everyone cheered by the end of the song causing her to smile. Beck ran to her and kissed her causing the others to cheer more. "I love you." She tells him.

"I love you." He says. "Let's go home."

Smiling, the two left as everyone cheered. Nick looked at Jade. "We know what they are doing."

"Yep, but thank god for Caitlyn or we would had to find a way to pay." She tells him. "Let's go."

The gang left, but Tori, she wished she was able to sing too, but at the same time, she can't compete with Caitlyn. She's perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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