34 - Fen

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Matt walked outside down the sidewalk. He was a bit nervous since the quest he was going to attempt was pretty stupid. He thought it seemed like a prank quest that was just supposed to humiliate him. He kept imagining the conversation he was going to have and every time he thought about himself walking up to a stranger and telling them he was a celebrity, he always imagined the same response.

'Who asked?'

That response just sent chills down his spine. It was the ultimate social comeback. He wasn't really sure he could handle the embarrassment if someone actually ended up saying it. He would slink away and never talk to anyone again.

The problem was, this quest would just produce responses like that. Any way he imagined trying to convince someone he was a celebrity, it always ended badly.

'Ok, I'll just try not to think about it! I'm being paranoid! I'm doing this for the reward anyway, so why should I care what people say?'

He tried to push out any negative thoughts because he knew they would only get in the way. He headed toward the local cafe he always went to.

Once he arrived, he saw it was busy like usual and he sat at one of the tables by the windows. He looked around at all of the people and instantly was doubting doing this quest. No one looked open to conversation.

They were either on a laptop, eating, reading, or talking to friends. Of course, there was the person at the counter where you ordered, but they were probably a seasoned socializer. He imagined they would see through him in an instant.

'Maybe I could just save this quest for later. Waay later.'

He got up and started speed walking to the door, but that was when he heard a familiar voice.

"Matt, is that really you? I knew I'd find you here!"

He turned around to see someone he had known for a long time. It was Fen, his best friend in high school.

"Fen? W-why are you in town?"

He was shocked. Matt had attended high school in a completely different city where he had also grown up, Maeston. When he graduated he only had one goal in mind and that was to go far away.

The main reason was that he wanted to get far away from his old life, where everything always went bad, including the drama he had with his parents. So Matt moved to this city, called Vairon City.

The last thing he had expected was his best friend, the only good thing in his life besides his siblings. He had always been there for Matt, even in the darkest times. Fen was probably the reason Matt wasn't a hardcore introvert, since he always dragged him to conventions and things.

"I was just in town, actually I'm moving here! I didn't know your address but, your sister told me that this was your favorite cafe. So I came over and you were here!"

They both talked a bit. Matt hadn't realized how much he had actually missed Fen. What's funny is, that it was Fen's idea for Matt to move away, since he had seen how much he was struggling.

"And so then, we all looked up and this dude was hanging from the top of the fish taco sign! Bro, we were all dying laughing so hard!"

They were both laughing as Fen told Matt random stories he had apparently experienced after he had left. After a few minutes more of catching up, Matt had a strange idea.

"Hey, Fen? Uh, is there any way you can help me with something?"

"Yeah, anything Matt, you know that!"

Matt glanced over at someone sitting in the cafe who was sitting reading a book.

"This is gonna sound weird but, can you help me convince them that I'm famous?"

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