Chapter Four

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"Cheer up, Anthony, it's a lovely day." Alastor attempted to lift the blonde's spirits, but Anthony crossed his arms and glared at the brunette. They strolled along a wooded path, heading towards Alastor's house. Normally, Anthony enjoyed this walk, especially in autumn when the leaves displayed vibrant shades of red, yellow, and orange. However, today he was in a sour mood.

"When we get to my humble abode, I will make us something for lunch," Alastor announced, turning to look at the blonde. "What would you like, dear?" Anthony responded with only a hint of sarcasm, "Anything that you didn't kill." Alastor laughed; Anthony was the only one aware of Alastor's cannibalistic tendencies, and he didn't seem to mind.

"How about I cook up a recipe my mother gave me?" the brunette suggested. "Alright, your mama's recipes are normally good," Anthony replied, leaning down to pick a flower. When he looked back up, Alastor had stopped and was smiling at him. That smile, God how he loved it, it was so unguarded, so sincere, and the best part, the smile was only for Anthony. Seeing Alastor's smile caused the blonde to break into a grin.

"Ah, there you go! That lovely smile of yours could rival the sun, my dear!" Alastor said, taking Anthony's hand. The blonde smiled even wider, intertwining their fingers. "C'mon, I'm starving." Alastor laughed again as the two continued down the path. 'Alastor's right,' Anthony thought to himself, 'it really is a lovely day.'

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