Chapter Twenty Four

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"Ma, this is Anthony," Alastor announced proudly, his arm wrapped around the blonde's waist. Alastor's mother beamed, her smile mirroring her son's. "Ah, it's nice to finally put a face to the name. Now, my Alastor has been telling me all about you. I have the letters if ya want proof, but I am so glad to finally meet ya in person."

Anthony returned the smile, albeit slightly reserved. He studied the woman in front of him, noting her warmth and kindness. She wasn't much taller than Alastor, her skin a few shades darker, her hair pulled up into a tight bun with not a single strand out of place, and she had the kindest eyes.

"It's nice to meet you too, ma'am," Anthony replied respectfully.

She chuckled warmly, her demeanor putting Anthony at ease. "Please call me Mary. Now, I've got dinner cooking, so let's move this conversation to the kitchen."

The trio made their way into the kitchen, and Anthony watched as Alastor's eyes lit up with delight. "Jambalaya?" he exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

Mary nodded with a motherly grin. "Of course. Now, I made sure not to make it too spicy for ya, Anthony. I wasn't sure about your spice tolerance—rather be safe than sorry."

"Ma, Anthony can handle a little spice, isn't that right, Mon Amour?"

The blonde chuckled, "Yeah, my brother used ta mess with me when we were little and over spiced a lot of my food, I developed a pretty high spice tolerance.

"Well," Mary started as she began to scoop the jambalaya into bowls, "If you'd like to add more spice, you go right ahead, I've got hot sauce in the fridge and a buncha spices in the cabinet for you to choose from," She sat the bowls on the table before turning to Alastor, "Will you be a dear and pour me a glass of iced tea?"

Alastor smiles, "Of course." The brunette moves to grab a cup, "Would you like some aswell Anthony?"

"Sure, I'll take some."

Mary sat down, pouring some spice into her bowl, "Try it, tell me if it's any good." She smiled at Anthony, who quickly scooped some of his own food to taste.

"I'm quite sure it is delicious Ma, as it always is." Alastor said, setting a cup down for Mary. He walks over to the seat next to Anthony and sits down, placing the blonde's cup next to his bowl.

"It really is, delicious I mean." Anthony replied.

A few minutes later, Anthony realized something, he glanced at the jambalaya, then at Alastor. A question in his gaze.

Mary laid down her spoon and wiped her mouth, "Excuse me for a moment, I have to use the restroom." She stood and headed down a hallway.

Anthony turned to Alastor, "Does your mother know about-" "No." Anthony stares at the brunette a moment, "You're going to make yourself sick." "It will be alright Chéri." The blonde frowned slightly, but dropped the subject.

Hours later, Anthony sat on the edge of a bed. They were staying in Alastor's childhood bedroom, Alastor said that he always stayed in there when he visited. Alastor had locked himself in the bathroom, the blonde stared at the door, wringing his hands. Finally, the brunette emerged from the bathroom, Anthony slid off the bed and walked over to him. "Are you alright?"

"Splendid my dear."

Anthony shook his head, "Are you going to do this the whole time we're here?"

"Of course not, my mother doesn't always cook food with meat in it."

Anthony frowned and sat back down on the bed, "So you'll keep making yourself sick to please her?"

Alastor wrapped an arm around the blonde's waist, pulling him close. "It's not really making myself sick, I can eat it, I just hate the taste of any meat that isn't human."

"You just made yourself throw up so you wouldn't have to digest it." The blonde pointed out. He laid his head on the brunette's shoulder, he closed his eyes. "I know I have no room to talk, with all the shit I do to myself, but I don't think that's good for you."

The brunette chuckled, "I suppose you're right Chéri," He smiled slightly, "How about we get some rest? It's getting pretty late."

Anthony opened his eyes, then grinned, "This counts as letting me sleep in your room. I told you I'd convince you to let me." Alastor laughed and the two laid down. Alastor wrapped his arms around the blonde, Anthony snuggled close to the brunette.

"Goodnight, Mon Amour."

"Goodnight, Amore mio."

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