Chapter Ninteen

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Angel Dust awoke in the middle of the night to the piercing sound of his phone ringing. The spider groaned, rubbing his eyes, and grabbed the device. Glancing at the caller ID, he answered with a hint of irritation, "Hello?"

"Angel!" Valentino's voice erupted through the other end, a furious storm of accusations. The spider pulled the phone away from his ear as the moth demon raged. "You're sending the fucking radio demon to fight your battles now!?"

"What? I don't know what you-" The words died on his lips as the realization struck - Alastor was no longer lying next to him. Panic surged through him. 'Shit, Al, what are you thinking?'

"Val, I swear, I had nothing to do with this."

"Get your ass down here now!" Then the line abruptly went dead.

Rushing to the scene, Angel Dust couldn't comprehend the chaotic sight unfolding before him. Alastor was locked in combat with Vox, but the spider couldn't discern who had the upper hand. Meanwhile, Valentino lurked in the background, seemingly avoiding direct involvement in the skirmish. As soon as the moth caught sight of Angel, a chain snaked around the spider's neck, yanking him forward. With a menacing flourish, Valentino brandished a gun.

"Call off the fucking bambi bitch or I'll put a fucking bullet in your skull!"

"I can't call him off! I didn't send him!" Fear crept into the spider's expression and tone.

"You have three fucking seconds!"

"Val, I-"


"Listen! I can't-"


"Valentino, I can't call him off!"


The deafening crack of a gunshot echoed through the air, but instead of delivering a fatal blow, the bullet found its mark in Angel's shoulder. The spider screamed in agony, writhing on the ground, digging at his shoulder to alleviate the intense pain. This wasn't just any bullet; it was angelic, searing like fire. The world blurred as Angel grappled with the torment coursing through him.

Alastor turned his gaze toward Angel, momentarily distracted from the battle. Their eyes met, a fleeting connection before Vox seized the opportunity to strike. The radio demon refocused on the skirmish, leaving Angel in the throes of pain. Shadows began to envelop the scene.

"I wonder, how many bullets I could put in you before-" Valentino's menacing words were cut short as shadows surrounded him. Angel heard the moth scream before he, too, was engulfed by the ominous darkness. Outside, the sounds of battle abruptly ceased, replaced only by the haunting whispers of the shadows.

One shadow, distinctly Alastor's, detached from the others and moved forward. Recognizing the familiar form, Angel felt a sense of relief. The shadow went to work, delicately extracting the bullet lodged in the spider's shoulder. Despite the excruciating pain, Angel's thoughts were consumed by concern for Alastor. The radio demon was powerful, but so was Vox.

The extraction over, Angel expected the shadows to disperse, but they remained, an impenetrable barrier surrounding him. Only Alastor's shadow retreated, leaving the spider trapped within the enigmatic embrace of darkness. Desperation etched his features as Angel attempted to break free, yearning for answers about Alastor's fate, but the shadows resisted, denying him even a glimpse of the outside world before submerging him once again in their all-encompassing darkness. 

Harmony in Hell: A Radiodust StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang