Chapter Eighteen

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"Al, I'm not sure about this." Anthony stood hesitantly in the doorway of Alastor's bedroom, watching as the brunette pulled a suitcase out of the closet. Concern lingered in his eyes.

"Nonsense, my mother has just been dying to meet you," Alastor reassured him, his tone light and confident.

"Well, yeah, but I don't want to leave Molly all by herself. She's been antsy since the incident last month." Anthony observed a slight wince on Alastor's face at the mention of the incident, prompting him to swiftly change the subject, "Plus, what if your mother doesn't like me?"

Alastor chuckled, "Impossible, you, my dear, are the most likable person on this planet." The compliment caught Anthony off guard, causing him to blush. The sarcastic remark he had in mind vanished, replaced by a genuine response, "Do you really think that?"

"Of course I do, my dear." Alastor replied with a smile, his confidence unwavering. Anthony sighed, a hint of a smile on his face, "Alright, how long will we be gone?"

"We are to leave tomorrow at noon. Then we will stay with my mother for the weekend and leave Monday morning."

"Then I should go home and start packing, and tell Molly where I'm going." Alastor laid his suitcase on the bed and walked over to the blonde. "I shall walk you home."

Anthony chuckled, "I can get myself home, Al."

"I am well aware of that, darling. I simply want to accompany you."

As they walked hand-in-hand, they fell into a comfortable silence, the rhythm of their steps echoing a shared understanding. Anthony swung their arms slightly, enjoying the simple intimacy of the moment. "Does your mother know?" he suddenly asked.

Alastor raised an eyebrow, "Does she know what?"

"About us."

Alastor chuckled, "Of course she does, my dear."

Anthony glanced at the brunette, "And she's okay with it?"

"Yes, of course. My mother is a very open-minded woman, despite social norms. I wouldn't have told her if she wasn't."

Anthony fell silent for a moment before saying, "I wonder if my mother would have been alright with us."

The brunette squeezed the blonde's hand, "I'm sure she would have been."

Anthony smiled slightly at this, "I like to think my mother was a good person, despite never meeting her."

"Well, you are a wonderful person, darling, so I'd wager she was as well." They fell into a peaceful silence for the rest of the walk.

Once they arrived at Anthony's house, Alastor kissed the blonde on the nose, earning him a giggle. Then the brunette began to walk back to his house, leaving the blonde to pack for the trip. 

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