Chapter Ten

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"I couldn't help but notice you sitting here all alone. Mind if I join you?" Anthony looked up, his eyes meeting the gaze of the person standing there. "Oh, um, sure." The stranger smiled and took a seat across from the blonde. "My name is Alastor; you may have heard of me from my radio show. And what is your name?"

"It's Anthony," the blonde mumbled, looking anywhere but at Alastor. He didn't like talking to new people without his sister to guide him.

"Anthony," the brunette said in a way that made the blonde blush, as if the name was made just to roll off this man's tongue. "What a wonderful name." Anthony met the brunette's gaze and found himself blushing again; Alastor was studying him as if he were the most fascinating thing in the world. "It's not that great of a name."

"Nonsense, I think it's splendid." This caused the blonde to smile. "My, your smile is absolutely lovely." Anthony smiled wider, although he wasn't sure what he was supposed to say back, as he wasn't used to compliments.

As the day went on, the two fell into a conversation as if they were old pals. At one point, Alastor admitted he noticed Anthony every day when he walked into the coffee shop but had been too nervous to approach the blonde. This earned him a laugh and some lighthearted teasing from the blonde. As the sun began to set, the duo bid each other goodbye. And just like that, the beginnings of a wonderful bond had been made.

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