Chapter Fifteen

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"I thought you weren't gonna be gone all day," Husk remarked as the spider and deer strolled into the lobby, hand-in-hand. Alastor smirked, "Well, things took a tad longer than expected. Now, off to bed, my dear spider." "What?" Angel raised an eyebrow, "I didn't plan on going to bed just yet." "Well, my dear, you look positively exhausted. It's high time for you to get some rest." The spider stared at the deer for a moment, then started heading upstairs, grumbling to himself.

"So, what was that?" Husk took a casual sip of his drink. Alastor turned to face the cat demon, "What was what, my dear Husker?" "First of all, you never invite people to go anywhere with you, and secondly, that little display just now." Alastor chuckled, "Ah, Husker, I never thought you'd be the one for gossip." Husk took another swig, "I ain't fishing for gossip. I just reckon it looked like you were buttering him up for some deal." "Oh no, never that. I'd never choose to make a deal with Anthony." "And that, using the kid's first name. It's almost like you're in love with him or somethin'." Alastor simply grinned at the cat demon, who squinted at him.

"Holy shit, you are." "Well, Husker, you say it as if it's a surprise!" "Because it is! I never knew you could feel those kinds of emotions." "Well, Anthony and I go way back." Husk was about to say something more, but Alastor waved his hand, "I am off to bed now." "But you don't sleep." Alastor simply chuckled and made his way upstairs, stopping in front of Angel Dust's room, knocking.

"I'm going to bed, Alastor." The deer chuckled and opened the door, stepping inside before closing it back. "Why is it that when we were alive, you never let me stay in your room but would stay in mine, and now the same thing is happening?" Alastor sat down on the foot of the bed. "You always had trouble falling asleep in places that weren't your room." "That doesn't explain why you're in here now." "Simple, really. I just want to be." Fat Nuggets crawled over to Alastor, curling up in his lap. Angel sat up, wrapping himself in the blanket.

"So what are we, friends again?" The deer raised an eyebrow, "I don't remember a time before I considered you my lover." The spider flushed red and laughed, "Right. You flirted with me the first day we met." "And you didn't know how to take a compliment." Angel laughed again, then the two fell into a brief silence. "Seriously, Alastor, I need to know what we are." Alastor paused for a moment before replying, "I believe we are what we always have been." "Lovers?" "If you still wish to be."

Angel smirked at Alastor, then the spider wrapped all four of his arms around the deer, burying his face into his chest, the way he did when they were alive. "Absolutely, yes."

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