(fluff) When We're Alone

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Tsukishima let out an annoyed sigh as the team started cleaning up after another grueling volleyball practice. He just wanted to get home and relax, but knew he had to help out first. He pretended not to notice you watching him from the sidelines, waiting patiently as always.

Once the last ball was stored away, he made his way over. "Ready to go?" he asked, voice as aloof and disinterested as ever. You nodded with a smile, used to his cool demeanor in public by now.

The walk home was a quiet one, Tsukishima not one for pointless conversation. But as soon as your front door closed behind you, his pretense melted away. Large hands cupped your face as he leaned down, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. You sighed contently into it, letting him take the lead as his arms wound around your waist.

When he finally pulled back, his expression had softened into something more vulnerable. "I missed you," he admitted, voice uncharacteristically gentle. You smiled, poking his cheek affectionately. Even behind closed doors, he still wasn't very vocal about his feelings. But in the way he held you, looking at you like you were the only thing that mattered, you knew how he really felt.

Here in your private solace, Tsukishima let his guard down completely. His aloof demeanor was just a facade to get through the day - with you, he could truly be himself.

 His aloof demeanor was just a facade to get through the day - with you, he could truly be himself

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