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You laid awake restless, mind racing far too much to sleep. On a whim, you called Tsukishima even though it was past 1am.

He answered groggily. "This better be important for waking me."

"I'm sorry Kei, I just couldn't sleep. Please, can you sing me that song? The "only" song kei please..." you asked softly.

Tsukishima sighed but you heard rustling as he got comfortable. His smooth vocals then rang out, humming the opening bars of the sweet melody you requested.

Though he didn't know the full lyrics, Kei managed to capture the wistful mood through improvised creative lines of his own. Your eyes drifted closed, tension melting away as you focused on his lulling baritone alone.

"Be my only love~" Tsukishima finally sung the ending of the song

"Thank you, that was perfect," you whispered when he finished. Tsukishima grunted in reply but you sensed his pleasure at soothing your unrest.

"Now get some sleep. Sweet dreams, love." The call cut off as you curled up smiling, mind and heart finally calm enough for rest. Kei's unexpected midnight song had done the trick.

otor: I just can't stop listening to this cover༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

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