(fluff) Library

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You and Tsukishima were studying together in the library after school. Well, you were trying to study - it was hard to focus with Tsukishima sitting right next to you looking all tall and handsome in his glasses.

Deciding to be a distraction of your own, you gradually started scooting your chair closer to his under the guise of looking at his notes. When your legs were pressed together under the table, you casually draped your arm over his shoulder, leaning in close.

"What do you think you're doing?" Tsukishima muttered, though he made no effort to remove your arm. A light blush was dusting his cheeks.

"Just getting comfortable," you replied sweetly. Before he could protest further, you planted a quick kiss on his jawline, grinning as you felt him stiffen in surprise.

"Y/N, stop that, we're in public," Tsukishima hissed, glancing around furtively even as he subconsciously leaned into your embrace. You laughed softly.

"Make me."

That did it. In a flash Tsukishima had grabbed you and pulled you into his lap, wrapping both arms securely around your waist. "You're asking for it," he warned, before silencing your giggles with a searing kiss. The library was soon forgotten as you melted into his embrace. Sneaky Tsukki just couldn't resist you for long.

Tsukishima was intoxicating to kiss. You parted your lips for him eagerly, fingers threading into his soft hair. He held you close, kissing you deeply as if trying to convey without words how much he truly cared underneath his cool exterior.

When you finally broke for air, he pressed his forehead to yours, cherishing these quiet moments where he didn't need to hide behind sarcasm or annoyance. His golden eyes gazed into yours tenderly. "Y/N...you'll be the death of me, provoking me like this."

You smiled, booping his nose playfully. "But you like it." Tsukishima huffed, not willing to directly agree, but the arms still holding you tight said it all.

Just then, the pair of you noticed the librarian glaring daggers in your direction. Whoops, maybe you'd gotten a little carried away. Tsukishima stood up swiftly, grabbing his bag as an extra barrier to conceal your flushed faces from view.

"I think it's time we continued our studying elsewhere, without distractions," he muttered, taking your hand. You both rushed out of the library, giggling like mischievous children the whole way. Later that night, hidden away in the privacy of Tsukishima's bedroom, the "studying" would continue in a much more... hands-on manner.

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