(fluff) One Kiss per Correct Answer

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Tsukishima sighed as he looked down at the mess of notes and open textbooks in front of him. "You really aren't getting this at all, are you?"

You pouted up at your tall blonde boyfriend. "I'm sorry Tsukki, this stuff just isn't clicking for me like it does for you." Tsukishima was one of the smartest guys in your class, always at the top of the rankings. You, on the other hand, were barely scraping by. That's where he came in, offering to tutor you after school in hopes of getting your grades up before the next exams.

"Okay, let's go through it step by step again." Tsukishima said, hiding his annoyed expression behind his usual calm demeanor. He began explaining the math problem in front of you slowly. You nodded along, focusing on his words. But being this close to him was distracting, and you found your eyes wandering to admire his features.

"Are you even listening?" he snapped, catching you staring at him instead of paying attention.

You giggled. "Sorry Tsukki, it's hard to focus when you look so cute." Leaning over, you gave him a peck on the cheek, causing a light blush to form.

Tsukishima pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, trying to hide his embarrassment. "We're supposed to be studying, not flirting. Come on, focus."

"Maybe a break would help clear my head?" you suggested with a mischievous smile. Grabbing his collar, you pulled him in for a real kiss. To your delight, Tsukishima didn't resist for long, giving in to you as he always did. Sometimes the quickest way to escape homework was through your boyfriend's affections.

Tsukishima knew he shouldn't give in to your distractions, but it was hard to say no when you were kissing him so sweetly. After a moment, he pulled back slightly, breathing a little heavier. "If we take a break, you have to promise to focus after, okay?"

You nodded eagerly, not wanting the kissing to stop. Tsukishima smiled a little at your enthusiasm. "Alright then." He captured your lips with his once more, tangling a hand in your hair. You gripped his shirt, melting into the feeling. Tutorials always went better after a little one-on-one time with Tsukki.

Unfortunately, your break seemed to have the opposite effect, as you found yourself thoroughly distracted by thoughts of your boyfriend. When Tsukishima quizzed you on the next problem, you blinked blankly. "Uh, could you explain it again?"

He sighed. "At this rate we'll be here all night. Maybe we should take a different approach..." His eyes lit up with an idea. "How about I reward you with a kiss for every question you get right?"

Motivated, you dived back into studying with renewed focus. With Tsukki's lips as the prize, there was no way you could afford to get the answers wrong!

With the new incentive of kisses for correct answers, your studying quickly became more productive. You breezed through the next few problems, grinning each time Tsukishima leaned in to peck your lips in reward.

However, the longer you worked, the more your mind began to wander back to his soft lips. Midway through explaining another question, you interrupted Tsukki with a lingering kiss, not wanting to wait for an answer. He made a noise of surprise but didn't pull away.

When you finally parted, he fixed you with a half-lidded stare. "You know, at this rate the reward system isn't going to work..."

You bit your lip guiltily. "Sorry Tsukki, I just can't help myself when you're so cute."

He sighed in feigned exasperation. "I give up. Let's take another break." This time, when Tsukishima kissed you, it was slow and deep, as if savoring the moment. You melted against him eagerly.

After several heated kisses, Tsukishima drew back with a smirk. "Think you've had enough of a break now? Or do you need another question answered?" His teasing tone sent a shiver down your spine. Red-faced, you hurriedly agreed it was time to resume studying - even if concentrating was going to be harder than ever with your boyfriend's lingering touches burning your skin. Looks like tutoring was going to take all night at this rate.

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