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You had always wondered what kinds of signs or marks your soulmate might have. As a child, you'd spend hours inspecting your skin for any hints or clues. But so far, your canvas remained blank.

It wasn't until your first year of high school that things began to change. Faint words began to appear on your wrist, the handwriting neat but sparse. "What a drag," it read at first, bringing a smile to your face. Your soulmate seemed to share your sense of humor.

Over time, more snippets would materialize - brief thoughts and comments throughout their day. It gave you a small window into their life, although you had no clues as to their identity. All you knew was they attended Karasuno High.

One afternoon, the words "practice is tiring" surfaced on your arm. A light bulb went off - could your soulmate possibly be on the volleyball team? You decided to check out their next practice, hiding out in the back to observe unseen.

That's when you noticed him - the tall, bespectacled middle blocker tugging down his sleeves self-consciously. As if sensing your eyes on him, Tsukishima glanced up, meeting your gaze from across the gym. You raised your wrist, displaying the latest words etched there, a shy smile playing on your lips.

Realization dawned on Tsukishima's face, mirroring the sentiment on your arm. After practice, he approached, showing his own marked skin. "I never thought soulmates were more than a bother. But you don't seem so bad," he said, offering his hand. You took it, feeling like you had found where you belonged at last.

You and Tsukki began finding little ways to communicate through your soulmarks. Short messages here and there, mostly complaints about class or homework on his end that made you chuckle.

One day, bold letters scrawled across your forearm: "Meet me after practice." Your heart skipped a beat. This would be the first time hanging out properly. You waited nervously outside the gym as players began filing out.

Tsukishima emerged, eyes finding you immediately as always seemed to happen now. Without a word, he took your hand and led you away. You walked in comfortable silence to the nearby park, finding a quiet spot under the trees.

"So, soulmates huh?" Tsukki mused, glancing down at where your hands were still entwined. You nodded, smiling shyly. "Never expected it to be you. But I don't dislike it."

Relief and joy swelled in your chest at his words. Leaning your head against his shoulder, you traced patterns on his skin, imagining marking him as yours. Your soulmarks had brought you together, now you could start forging a bond of your own making.

A chaste kiss was placed atop your head, and you gazed up to see the barest hint of affection in Tsukki's eyes behind his lenses. A future you once never saw was unfolding right before you.


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