(Slight angst) Study Date Gone Wrong

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Tsukishima sighed in irritation as he glanced over (Y/N)'s practice exam. "You got half these questions wrong. Don't you study at all?"

(Y/N) frowned, his harsh criticism stinging. "I try my best..."

"Well your best isn't good enough," Tsukishima snapped. "Honestly, how did someone as dumb as you even get into this school?"

That hurtful barb struck deep. (Y/N) clenched her fists, eyes welling with frustrated tears. Enough was enough.

Before Tsukishima knew what was happening, slim hands shot out and grabbed fistfuls of his blonde hair, tugging sharply. He let out an undignified squawk of protest.

"Ow, what the hell–!" Tsukishima hissed as teeth suddenly sank into the soft flesh of his cheek.

(Y/N) bit down firmly, not hard enough to break skin but ensuring it would definitely leave a mark. Only then did she release Tsukishima with a disgruntled huff, rising from his chair.

"I may not be a genius, but I'm not dumb either," she told him coldly, hurt and anger etched onto their flushed features. "Keep your insults to yourself from now on."

With that, (Y/N) turned on her heel and stalked off, leaving a bewildered yet oddly impressed Tsukishima behind to gingerly rub his sore scalp and bitten cheek. It seemed there was more fire underneath that gentle surface than he realized.

After the unexpected bite, Tsukishima sat stunned, gingerly rubbing his sore cheek. Before he could process what happened, he heard a sniffle behind him.

Turning, he saw (Y/N) curled in on herself, furiously wiping at her eyes. All irritation melted away as guilt set in. He'd gone too far in his critiques and struck a nerve.

"(Y/N)..." He reached out tentatively, stopping when they flinched. Taking a breath, Tsukishima softened his voice. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things."

(Y/N) risked a glance up, hurt lingering in their watery eyes. Carefully, Tsukishima cupped her cheek, thumb stroking away fresh tears gently.

"You study hard and you're smarter than you think. I just get too blunt sometimes." His admittance seemed to ease some tension from their shoulders.

Sniffling, (Y/N) leaned into his touch slightly. "I know you want me to improve, but harsh words don't help."

Tsukishima nodded solemnly. "You're right. Next time I'll be gentler with my criticism, and highlight what you're doing well too."

A small smile began to emerge through (Y/N)'s lingering sadness. Cupping Tsukishima's hand against her cheek a moment longer, they sought forgiveness through touch as well as words. A lesson learned for them both through trial and understanding.

Though still feeling hurt from earlier, an idea formed in (Y/N)'s mind about how to get even with Tsukishima.

When he came over apologetically later, (Y/N) refused to meet his eyes, pretending to be engrossed in her phone.

"Are you still mad?" Tsukishima asked tentatively.

(Y/N) gave a stern huff. "Of course I am. I've been thinking, we're through." 

Tsukishima's eyes widened in shock. "W-what? Break up? But I said I was sorry!"

Ignoring his panic, (Y/N) continued dramatically. "All you do is criticize me. I'm clearly not good enough for your standards."

As Tsukishima struggled to form a response, (Y/N) had to bite her lip to suppress a smirk. her sulky facade was cracking by the second.

Finally Tsukishima burst out, "Please, I'll do anything! Don't leave me, I'll be nicer I swear!"

Unable to contain it any longer, (Y/N) broke into giggles. "I'm just teasing, geez! You're so cute when you're flustered."

Comprehension dawned on Tsukishima's face, followed by a scowl. "You little brat! I thought you were serious."

Pulling them close despite his irritation, Tsukishima couldn't help the smile that broke through. It seemed they were even now.

Tsukishima couldn't stay mad at (Y/N) for long, not when they looked so pleased with themselves. Still, a thought occurred to him - two could play at this game.

The next time they met up, he was unusually affectionate, pressing kisses to (Y/N)'s cheeks and whispering sweet nothings. She melted into his arms with a giggle, unsuspecting.

When Tsukishima pulled away, a strange look crossed his face. "Actually...I think we need to talk."

(Y/N)'s smile faded as dread pooled in their stomach. "W-what about?"

Tsukishima fixed them with a solemn gaze. "I didn't want to hurt you, but...I met someone else. I'm sorry, it's over between us."

Heart dropping to their feet, (Y/N) stared in disbelief. "What? But you were just - we were fine! You can't be serious..."

Sadly, Tsukishima shook his head. "It's for the best. I hope we can still be friends." With that, he turned to leave, shoulders shaking with silent mirth.

It took a moment to process, but then (Y/N) realized what was happening. "Tsukishima, you jerk!" she shrieked, swatting his arm. "That wasn't funny!"

Tsukishima broke down laughing at their outraged expression. "Got you back - we're even now!" Through their scowl, (Y/N) had to admit, he played the part well this time around too.

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