Living with Saltyshima

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You sighed as you tossed yet another outfit on your bed, trying to decide what to wear. Living with your new roommate Tsukishima Kei was...interesting, to say the least. When you had first moved in together a few weeks ago, you expected some awkwardness as you adjusted to sharing an apartment. What you didn't expect was just how sarcastic and blunt the tall blond could be.

"Hurry up already, I want to eat dinner sometime this century," came Tsukishima's drawling voice from the other side of your bedroom door.

Rolling your eyes, you pulled on a plain t-shirt and jeans. "Alright, alright, I'm coming." You opened the door to see Tsukishima leaning against the wall, headphones around his neck.

"About time. I slaved over a box of takeout, you know." His expression was flat as ever, but you thought you detected a hint of amusement in his eyes.

As you followed him to the kitchen, you wondered if maybe, just maybe, you were starting to crack his cool exterior. Living with Tsukishima was challenging, but you had a feeling there was more to him than met the eye. This roommate situation might turn out to be interesting after all.

As you sat down to eat the takeout Tsukishima had prepared, you noticed him peering at you from behind his glasses. "What?" you asked self-consciously.

He shrugged. "Just wondering how long it'll take for you to finally crack under the pressure of living with me." A small smirk played at the corners of his mouth.

You rolled your eyes. "Please, like you're that annoying. I'd say we're settling in pretty well actually."

To your surprise, Tsukishima nodded. "It's...not as bad as I thought it would be," he admitted. You both fell into a comfortable silence as you ate. Living together for a few weeks now, you were starting to learn his little tells - like the way he pushed his glasses up when he was thinking.

"I've been meaning to ask, how are things going with your volleyball team?" you ventured. Tsukishima didn't often talk about his personal life but you were curious.

He considered the question. "We've qualified for the Spring Tournament. Yamaguchi's been practicing serves a lot." A fond look briefly crossed his face at the mention of his friend. You smiled, glad to see past his cool exterior.

Maybe, just maybe, living with the salty middle blocker wouldn't be so bad after all. There seemed to be more to Tsukishima than met the eye, and you looked forward to getting to know this side of him.

A few weeks passed as you settled more into living with Tsukishima. While he still maintained his aloof demeanor, you caught him smiling or chatting more openly around you. You considered it progress in cracking his shell.

One evening, you were lounging on the couch watching a movie when Tsukishima came home earlier than expected, backpack in hand. "Practice was canceled," he explained. Your eyes followed him curiously as he dropped his bag and unexpectedly sat down next to you.

"Need a distraction from volleyball?" you teased gently. To your surprise, he didn't push you away or make a sarcastic retort like usual. An uneasy look crossed his face. "Tsukki? What's wrong?"

He sighed, pushing his glasses up in a gesture you knew meant he was thinking deeply. "I'm... worried about the tournament. What if we lose?" For the first time, you saw real vulnerability in his eyes behind his usual mask of cool disinterest.

Without thinking, you placed a comforting hand on his arm. "You'll do your best. That's all anyone can ask." Tsukishima seemed caught off guard by the gentle touch. His tense muscles relaxed under your hand. An understanding seemed to pass between you in that moment.

Maybe, just maybe, living with him was helping you both open up in unexpected ways. You smiled, glad to offer support to the boy behind the "salty" surface.

otor: here it is, kinda sucks tho😭

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