(fluff) Gift

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You had never really considered yourself the type of person who would catch anyone's romantic eye. You were shy and quiet, not very stylish or outgoing. So you were completely taken by surprise when Tsukishima first confessed he saw you as more than a friend.

Even after you started dating, you still had trouble believing someone as cool and intelligent as him actually liked you that way. Which is why you were utterly shocked one afternoon when he showed up outside your classroom holding an elaborately wrapped box.

"Tsukki? What's this?" you asked hesitantly.

"It's a gift, obviously." He held it out to you, a slight pink dusting his cheeks. "Go on, open it."

Heart pounding, you carefully removed the paper to find a jewelry box underneath. Opening it slowly, you gasped. Nestled inside was the most beautiful necklace you had ever seen - a delicate silver chain with a shining moon charm.

"Tsukki, it's lovely! But...why?" Tears welled up in your eyes, overwhelmed by this lavish token of affection, so foreign yet wonderful.

He took your hands in his, meeting your gaze steadily. "Because I wanted to give you something to remind you that you deserve to be cared for and spoiled, just like anyone else. You may not see how amazing you are, but I do."

You flung your arms around him, overcome with gratitude, joy, and newfound understanding of what it meant to be cherished. From that day on, you never doubted your worth in Tsukishima's eyes, or the love he showed you through tender gestures like this one.

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