(fluff) A Stern Study Session

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You groaned in frustration as you stared down at the jumble of numbers and symbols on the page, none of it making any sense. Math had always been your worst subject.

Across the table, Tsukishima watched you with an amused smirk. "Having trouble?" he drawled in that condescending tone of his.

"It's not my fault math is stupid," you grumbled. As your boyfriend and unofficial tutor, he had graciously agreed to help you study for your upcoming exam. But his teaching methods usually involved more mocking than actual teaching.

"Maybe if your brain was bigger than a pea, you'd understand it," Tsukishima replied, grin widening at your irritation.

You glared. "Not helping, Tsukki!"

He chuckled, sliding his chair closer so he was right beside you. Leaning over, he pointed to the problem. "Let me walk you through it step-by-step then, since thinking is hard for you."

You wanted to be angry at his teasing, but it was impossible to stay mad when he helped you so patiently. Bit by bit, he explained the logic behind each calculation until finally, it started to click.

By the time he reached the last problem, you felt confident enough to try it on your own. Tongue poking out in concentration, you worked through it carefully.

"See, it's not that hard when you use your tiny brain," Tsukishima said as you proudly showed him the correct answer. His expression was still smug, but you saw the pride shining in his eyes.

"Thanks, Tsukki." You rewarded him with a peck on the cheek. He stiffened at the public display of affection but didn't pull away.

"Don't think this makes you not dumb. You've still got a long way to go." But his insult held no bite now.

You shook your head, smiling. Insults and teasing may be Tsukishima's love language, but you knew underneath it all he truly wanted you to succeed. With him by your side, maybe even you could master math.

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