(fluff) Staircase

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Things had been tense between you and Tsukishima all day. A silly misunderstanding had ballooned into a terse exchange between classes that left your relationship status in question.

Seeing him alone in the stairwell now, frustration and hurt bubbled over. "Why won't you just talk to me?" you demanded, hurt lacing your tone. 

Tsukishima frowned, shoulders tensing. "What's there to say? You overreacted." His curt reply only stoked the fire within you more.

"I overreacted? You're the one who wouldn't bother explaining!" Tears pricked your eyes, anger cracking your voice.

Seeing your distress, Tsukishima's aloof mask slipped. Stepping closer, he grasped your arms gently. "I'm...not good at this." His admission, so vulnerable for the proud Tsukishima, drained tension from your frame.

Meeting his eyes, you saw naked emotion warring within - frustration, regret, longing. Unable to resist, you bridged the gap to capture his lips softly with your own.

Tsukishima froze briefly before response kicked in. Sliding arms around your waist, he kissed back with fervent relief and apology, leaving you breathless.

When you parted, his forehead rested against yours as you both calmed. No more needed said - you understood each other perfectly once more.

His arms still around you, Tsukishima heaved a sigh. "I should have explained."

You nodded, steadying your breaths. "And I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."

A rueful smile twitched at his lips. One hand came up to gently brush away your lingering tears. "We're both stubborn."

Leaning into his touch, you mustered a watery laugh. It amazed you sometimes how this aloof boy could understand you so completely.

As you gazed upon each other, tension slowly bled away to be replaced by a familiar warmth. Trailing fingers down his neck, you sighed, "I missed you today."

Tsukishima bent his head, pressing his forehead to yours with a quiet murmur of agreement. His warm breath fanned your cheeks, stirring longing within once more.   

When he finally kissed you again, it was full of lingering tenderness - an unspoken apology and promise rolled into one intimate caress. You melted against him blissfully, fingers curling into his uniform shirt.

All too soon, reason prevailed and you parted with flushed heaving chests. But Tsukishima's golden eyes, when they met yours, shone with open emotion never shown to another.

"Come over after practice?" he asked softly, thumb stroking your cheek. At your smile and nod, Tsukishima released you reluctantly. His fingers tangled with yours briefly before parting ways once more, hearts fully mended.

From then on, your special stairway would always remind you both how misunderstandings dissolved in each other's embrace. Your love had weathered tougher storms, and come out stronger each time.

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