(angst) Affectionate

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Things had been wonderful between you and Tsukishima for the past few months. Ever since confessing your feelings for each other, you relished every moment together holding hands, sharing stolen kisses.

Lately though, you noticed Tsukishima pulling away, responding to your affection with irritation instead of tenderness. At practice, he scolded you for wanting to eat lunch together, insisting on alone time. It stung, but you tried not to let it hurt you.

After another successful game where you cheered yourself hoarse for him, you ran to Tsukishima eagerly to celebrate his accomplishments. But the frustration in his gaze stopped you cold.

"Can't you take a hint? You're being too much right now," he snapped, brushing past you to join his teammates. Your heart clenched as heavy silence answered where joyful praise should have been.

That night, unable to ignore the fracturing in your relationship any longer, you went to Tsukishima's house to confront him. He sighed when he opened the door to see your tearstained face.

"Not this again. I told you I wanted space," he said harshly, making to shut the door in your face. But you jammed your foot against it, defiant even through the pain.

"Please, tell me what's wrong! I just want to understand," you begged.

He sighed irritably. "You're always clinging to me, smothering me. It's draining and I can't deal with it anymore. We clearly want different things, so it's best if we end this."

The words shattered your heart into jagged pieces, cutting you deeper with every rapid breath. Hot tears streamed down your cheeks as you shuddered with the force of keeping your sobs in.

Unable to face him anymore, you turned and ran, ran until your legs could carry you no further into the waiting arms of darkness. No matter how far you fled, Tsukishima's dismissive tone echoed in your mind, a torment you could never escape from.

From that moment on, you vowed never again to give your heart so freely, to love at someone else's whims and mercy. If clingy was how he saw affection, then you would learn to feel nothing at all instead.

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