(fluff) Daily Life with Kei

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Tsukishima yawned as he made his way to the school gates, lingering behind the other volleyball club members. Just another monotonous day.

But then he caught sight of you waving enthusiastically at the entrance, having arrived early as usual to walk to class together. Your short stature made you barely visible among the crowds of taller students.

Smoothing his features into disinterest, he approached with lazy "ohayo". You beamed up at him, tugging his arm. "Good morning, Tsukki! Did you sleep well?"

He shrugged, reluctantly allowing you to link your small hand in his much larger one as you walked. Your chatter floated through one ear and out the other as usual.

At your classroom, he gave a barely-there pat to your head - the most public sign of affection he felt comfortable with. Your smile lit up your entire face at even that tiny gesture.

During lunch break, he found you waiting at their usual rooftop spot, already unpacked sandwiches your mom had made. The view stretched out endlessly before joining you on the ground.

Your antics and constant stream of conversation usually annoyed him. But in secret, he appreciated how you brightened up even the dullest parts of his routine. Your sunny presence was the highlight of his otherwise monotonous school days.

After lunch, Tsukishima walked you to class as the bell rang. As you opened the door, he bent down to murmur in your ear - "pay attention, shorty. Don't want you falling behind."

You huffed at the nickname but your eyes shone with affection. "Have a good practice, Tsukki!"

Volleyball practice proved long and tiring as always. But thoughts of your smiling face buoyed his spirits, motivating him to push through each drill.

Once showered and changed, he spotted you waiting faithfully by the gate. "Walk home together?"

Your hand slipped easily into his much larger one. The rest of the team payed no mind to your public displays by now.

The quiet stroll home gave him time to unwind, content listening to your day. Before parting at your house, he surprised you with a gentle kiss to the forehead. "See you tomorrow, shorty."

After dinner, he received a pile of notes from your class. Your handwriting covered any blank spaces with doodles and happy messages. His lips quirked - only you would have such childlike enthusiasm for studying.

Later, video chatting through the evening, he watched fondly as you brushed your teeth. Your foamy mouth muffled yawns, but still you insisted on staying up to keep him company.

Finally unable to keep eyes open, sleep overtook your face. Your peaceful expression eased the stresses of his long day. With a rare gentle smile, Tsukishima whispered, "goodnight, my shorty."

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