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Alec and I have gotten back to his apartment safely. My father wasn't on the porch this time, which made me nervous because he always liked being outside for some apparent reason. I don't know, he just loves being outside, like, he could be outside just staring at the sky for all I care.

I was in the room was I staying in, lying on the bed on my stomach and reading a book I found in one of the drawers. The room was dimly lit from the table lamp, giving me an easier time to read the book. The room was a bit small, maybe because there's more things in here than necessary, but it was comfy. Everything in here is white and black, the desk, the bed sheets, the ceiling fan, floor; just everything.

It shocked me when I found the book it the drawers. Alec didn't seem the kind of guy who enjoys reading books. Or even children's books... The book was called Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.

And Max, the king of all wild things, was lonely and wanted to be where someone loved him best of all.

Then all around from far away across the world, he smelled good things to eat, so he gave up being king of where the wild things are.

But the wild things cried, "Oh please don't go-- we'll eat you up-- we love you so!"

I wanted to continue reading this amazing piece of art when I heard someone open the door. I turn my head back and saw Alec at the door. He was shirtless, like always, and was in sweat pants. He shook his head, like he was scolding himself, and closed the door, but left it a crack open. I frown at his actions.

It's not like I'm going anything...

I laid the book on the bed and rolled off the bed and walked to the door, fixing my tank top. I grab the handle and slowly opened it. He was standing on the other side, pondering to himself. Was he ashamed of himself? For interrupting my own time? I purse my lips and reached out for him. He turned his head when I put my hand on his elbow.

There was something in his eyes-- regret, pain, sadness. What was he thinking?

"Come here, Alec," I whisper, running my hand down his arm and grabbing his hand.

I pull him into the room, and I shut the door. He sits on the bed with a sigh. He runs his hand through his hair. I noticed there were dark bags under his eyes, indicating that he was having trouble sleeping. I sat on the bed next to him, keeping my eyes on him. He looked so tired, so... full of thought.

He was never like this before. He's spontaneous. What was he thinking?

He turns his head. I look at where he was looking, and he was looking at the book I had left on the bed. He grabs it, puts a finger in it so that it was on the page where I left off, and closed it so that he could see the cover. He frowns.

"Where'd you find this?" he asks, his voice rough.

"In that drawer," I answer softly, pointing at the side table on the other side of the bed.

He looks over, then back at the book, "I don't remember having this."

My lips twitched, "Yeah, I had to dust it off before I started reading it."

His lips curled into a smile, but then it was gone. Disappeared. He really was thinking about something deep if he were this sad. He opens the book and places it back on the bed. He runs his hand through his hair, and turns his body so that he was facing me.

He opens his mouth, then shuts it. I raise my brows. He must be like this when he's in love with someone. Lost for words; deep in thought.

He breathes in slowly, trying to get himself together. But then he blew it out and started to shake his head and rub his eyes with his palms.

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