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"Okay, so you're going to get my father out of the apartment, right?" I ask Alec while we wait for Brianna on the porch.

He nods his head. I blew out a breath, looking out into the parking lot. I was really nervous about this one. Sure, Alec will be there, but what if it doesn't go out as planned? What if my father turns around and sees Brianna and Josh sneaking out? What if one of us messes up the plan?

Everything could go down to hell, even with the most little mistake.

"Hey," Alec says, reaching around my shoulders, "Everything's going to be alright. We'll get Josh out without any flukes or jukes."

I furrow my brows, "How is that every time I'm worried about something, you know?"

He chuckles, ducking his head, "I can read your mind, Tyler."

I stare at him blankly. He lets out another chuckle and he covers his mouth with his other hand.  My lips started to curl into a smile. I shook my head and looked at the parking lot.

"Stop being annoying, Alec," I chuckle, placing my hands onto the porch wall.

"Okay," he says, kissing my hair. "I can tell when you're worried because you start rubbing your arm when you are."

I frown and looked at him, "I do that?"

He nods.

I'm even aware of myself doing that when I'm worried... I thought I bit my lip or tap my fingers against a flat surface. But me rubbing my arm? When, in the world of baby carrots, did I start doing that?

"I never knew I did that," I admit, shaking my head.

He shrugs, "You must've gotten used to doing it so you do it without thinking."

But when did I start doing it...?

I turn my head, thinking about when I started doing this rubbing my arm thing when I'm worried.

I saw a black car with dark tinted windows come up to the driveway. Alec and I watch as the car parked in front of our apartments. I squint my eyes from the sun and tilted my head. Then, completely out of the blue, Brianna gets out of the car.

What the crap?

She leans down, speaking to someone in the car. She points somewhere, probably to a parking spot, and shuts the door. The car drives off, and Brianna looks up at me.

Okay, who the hell did she ride with and why are they staying here?

She walks towards the stairs. I turn my head at Alec with questioning eyes. He shrugs his shoulders, arching his brows. When I heard Brianna's sigh, I turn around to face her. She looked like a mess. Her cheeks look a little bigger, and there were bags starting to form under her eyes. I frown and took a step towards her.

"Brianna, who is that and why do you look like you came out of the laundromat?" I ask her.

She sighs, "I'll tell you about it later. But right now, we need to get  your brother out of your father's hold." I was about to protest, but she interrupted me, "Tyler, I'll explain everything once we get Josh. Do you trust me?"

I shut my mouth and nodded. She sighs again and nods her head.

"Let's get your brother out then,"

Alec and I follow her down the stairs. I saw the black car that she was in parked near my car. It's been awhile since I last drove that thing. I wonder if it still works. Brianna turns around, making me stop in my tracks and Alec bumping into my back.

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