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Oh, you're still here.

I warned you... Here, have a cookie. *hands cookie*



It has been one heck of a day. And a really weird one too. First of all, Tyler has finally broken free from her father. She is out of his grasp and now she is set out to do her own things. Second of all, William is part of the vigilante. He said he had been with the vigilante since he came here. Which is crazy because he's been in San Diego for almost eight years. And third... I don't know what the third one is. But I'm afraid it'll happen very soon as well.

I sit on the couch in the living room, trying to tie a string I found in my side table with my ring. I figured it'd be cooler if I wore the ring around my neck. Tyler was with her mother at the moment, probably talking about kids and how much her mother wanted to run away from the sick bastard. They must be cleaning too because her apartment is torn as shit.

Once I got the the string around my ring and I smile to myself and put it around my neck. I feel like the kind of the world.

I sigh, happy that everything is falling into place, and leaned back onto the couch. I had already eaten dinner, which is some left overs from last night's dinner Tyler had made. She is an excellent cook, by the way.

...Explains why I love her eggs so much.


I sigh and look at my phone. It was almost midnight and she wasn't back yet. I run my hand through my hair and stood up. A midnight snack wouldn't hurt. I walk towards the fridge and opened it. I should probably get more groceries, because my fridge looks empty as fuck.

I grab the carton of chocolate milk and drank from it. Tyler had some pet peeve with people drinking right from the carton, but she wasn't here right now. Plus, I didn't feel like cleaning.

My mother had told me if I drank from the carton I would get a crooked neck. But being the very experimental kid I was, I did it and I drank from the carton out of boredom since.

The things your parents tell you are so weird and not true. Probably ridiculous. I know I wouldn't make things up just to keep my children safe.

I heard the door unlock. I stop drinking from the carton and turned my head towards the door. And she opened it.

Holy fuck.

She looks so damned beautiful.

Tired and a bit of a wreck, but so sexy.

She catches me drinking from the carton.


I close the carton of chocolate milk and placed it in the fridge. The door slowly closes behind her while she just stared at me. Her blue eyes ever so captivating. I close the fridge and smiled innocently.

I feel a little bit... playful right now.

"Hi, precious," I greet, my voice sounding husky.

Her brows slowly narrowed together. I turn my body and leaned against the counter, flexing my arms.
She started walking, and my smile widened each step she took towards me.

The way she walked and how she only kept her eyes on me... It had put me into some sort of trance. In some spell. I clench my teeth when she was on the other side of the counter.

Saving TylerWhere stories live. Discover now