The Last Spark: Chapter 1

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As Emelia made her way to her seat, she couldn't help but smile with glee. Her eldest brother, Duncan, was finally tying the knot. After dating for 15 years, the childhood sweethearts braved long distances and difficult days to finally end up at the aisle.

She finally settled herself in the suite as the attendant made her way over with some warm towels. She wiped her hands and opened her family group chat, scrolling through the messages. Adrian, the middle child of the family, had already reached Hong Kong with his girlfriend and was asking her if she'd boarded or not. She quickly replied and told him that she'd call as soon as she landed. With that prompt, her phone immediately started ringing. She picked up the phone and said, "Yes, doofus, what?"

"Hey sis!" He beamed through the other end, and Emelia smiled to herself. They were best buddies after all.

"Hey listen, I didn't tell you before, but Arron is also on the same flight! So be a peach and hold off the hostility, mmkay?"

She scoffed and muttered a few expletives.

Adrian chuckled at that and started yapping about all the things he'd planned for them tomorrow.

"Hey, hey, I gotta go; we're taxing now! Bye, see you soon, love you," she hurriedly yelled back, and she didn't give him a chance to hold on to the conversation.

Of course, Arron was coming. She mumbled to herself. They were practically joined at the hip ever since Adrian's Dubai stint. He'd always be there whenever she tried to catch up with Adrian in London.

She remembered the first time she'd met him. He was stunning, she'd admit. Exactly her type. But what good is a face if it comes with a horrible personality? He was a stuck-up, spoiled brat in her eyes, and she despised him.

Emelia was late. She decided to run to the bar where her brother's party was being held. She ignored the mud splashing on her jeans as she ran the wet and rainy streets of Mayfair. Finally, she reached the tavern, where Adrian was usually hanging out after becoming chummy with the bar owner. She gave his name to the maître'd and headed to the spot where she pointed. While on her way, she was bumped by a guy heading out, and when she turned, he didn't even bother looking back or apologizing to her.

"How rude can you be?" She grumbled and made her way to the table, where she spotted her brother.

"Happy Birthday, Addy!!!" She screamed, and he laughed and hugged her tightly.

"You're late! That means you owe me another gift!!" He chucked and said,.

"For you, Addy, I'll buy 50 if you want!" She beamed at him and said her greetings to everyone on the table.

"Oh, hey, come with me while I smoke!" He whispered in her ear, and they made their way to the outside deck. Suddenly, Adrian's phone started ringing, and he motioned for her to head out, and he'd follow.
As she stepped onto the deck, she spotted a car key on the floor behind a man leaning on the railing and picked it up. She tapped the guy on his shoulder who was on his phone, and he didn't respond.

"Um, excuse me!" She piped up, and only when she tapped him again with more force did he turn his head slightly. He looked her up and down and mumbled, "Not interested."
Emelia watched as the man looked away in bewilderment. She glanced down at her muddied jeans and shoes and her thick coat, trying to understand what prompted the face of disgust on the man's face. She had her hair up in a messy bun, having made her way from a long day of preparing her collection that was to be displayed at the CSM fashion show.
Feeling infuriated, she tapped him again, albeit a bit forcefully, and practically shouted at him when he turned to face her.

"EXCUSE ME! YOU DROPPED YOUR KEYS" and dropped them on the floor in front of him and turned around to see Adrian walk onto the deck.
"Oh, hey Em, you found Arron!" Adrian said it cheerfully.
Emelia turned back around as Adrian dropped his arm on her shoulder and felt her stomach drop. What. She'd seen a few pictures of Arron with Adrian, but the man standing in front of her looked nothing like him.
Dressed in relaxed jeans, a pair of white sneakers, and a leather jacket on top of a fitted turtleneck, with his dark hair wet from the rain resting on his forehead. Face practically sculpted by gods, with his high cheekbones and an intense gaze directly piercing her eyes.
He looked nothing like his picture. NOTHING.

Noticing the silence, Adrian asked, "Hey, all good," in a worried tone while glancing at the two of them.
Removing his gaze from her, Arron bent to pick up the fallen keys, looked at her brother, and smiled.
"Nothing bro! Your sister found my keys and returned them to me." He turned to look at Emelia and, with his best smile, said
"Thank you, Emelia. I am pleased to finally make your acquaintance. I'm Arron Dent" and extended her hand to her.

And so the air around them continued to be tense whenever they met. He would tease her, comment on her clothes, and argue with every opinion she put up whenever they met, due to Adrian.

He would rile her up every chance he got, and she had gotten extremely good at ignoring him. She pointed blankly and refused to acknowledge his presence anymore.

As Emelia put her eye mask on, she promised herself she'd do the same during this wedding weekend, and she fell asleep as the overnight journey began.

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