Chapter 23

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Emelia walked with Betty as Arron handled Archie. They walked along the park, talking and brainstorming about Adrian's request.

"So there's this spot that Addy and I used to hang out at. It overlooks the Hudson River, and if we decorate it with lights, it'll look great," Emelia suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Aaron agreed. They decided to meet Adrian soon and discuss it with him.

"Do you think we should let him know? About us?" Emelia asked him quietly.

"Apparently, everyone knows," he calmly explained.

"WHAT?!" Emelia stopped in her tracks. Laughing at her reaction, Arron grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers, and tugged her on.

He explained how Adrian had responded and the interaction he'd had with Abigail. Emelia was stunned.

She asked him, and he responded, "Well, apparently we look at each other a certain way." Looking at her warmly.

She looked right back at him.

Then he sighed and pouted, "Welp, what would we even say? It's not like you responded to me." looking away.

"How can I respond when you didn't ask?" she asked, freeing her hand and running away with Betty, whose ears were flopping happily.

Arron stood fixed at the spot, looked down at Archie tugging his leash, and started sprinting along behind her.

They were back in the apartment, Emelia pouring fresh feed into their food and water bowls, when Arrons phone rang.

"Hey dad!" He greeted her and moved towards the window.

Emelia could not hear the rest of the conversation. She was starving and decided to make them some dinner. But I was unsure if he would stay. So I held off on the prep.

Arron returned and hugged her. Pulling back, he looked at her. "I gotta go. Dad and Felicity want to grab dinner together," he added sadly and continued, "I'll see you soon, okay?"

She smiled and nodded.

He went to fetch his things and returned back to the kitchen, where Emelia was now pulling out ingredients from the refrigerator.

He dropped his bag again and pulled her towards him. His hands grabbed her chin, pulling it up, and he asked, "Emelia. Will you please be my girlfriend? I am crazy about you and have been since you dumped my keys on that porch." He grinned at her.

Feeling extremely mischievous at his confession and question, she pursed her lips and answered with her brows pushed together as if in deep thought, "I'll think about it," and pushed him away.

Stunned Arron retreated backwards, and Emelia started laughing at that.

Shaking his head, he picked up his bag and walked towards the door. The dogs were sitting in different spots, watching the scene.

Emelia walked behind him, still laughing, and walked him out to the elevator.

Suddenly, Arron grabbed her and dropped his head to bite her earlobe. She squealed and pushed him, massaging the tender spot.

The elevator arrived, and Arron got on with a mischievous grin. Emelia stood and watched him as the door closed.

When there was only a slight opening remaining, she yelled, "Yes."


Arron immediately wanted to go back up. But remember, he'd promised to meet his family. He needed a shower before he went over to their hotel room.

He should look for an apartment. Living out of hotels would be difficult since it was still unclear how long it would take for the office to be fully operational.

With that decision, he quickly made his way to his room and showered. After cleaning up and putting on a fresh change of clothes, he left for dinner.

At dinner, he brought up the idea to his father. His father, on the other hand, disagreed with him. Alternatively, he suggested they purchase a property. Considering Felicity would be studying in Columbia but staying at the dorms, his father would be visiting often. Arron thought about it and agreed. He'd look for property dealers and discuss it with them.

After finishing dinner, he walked back to his room. But he remembered that he wanted to speak to Adrian.

"Hey Adrian! What's up?" he asked.

"Hey man! I was just thinking about you. So what did you think about it? Man, I'm so nervous!" Adrian answered

"Yeah, I gave it some thought. How about we meet and discuss it, let's say tomorrow? He said, to which Adrian replied, "Oh yes! Clara is going to meet a friend for dinner, so come over to the house. I'll ask Emelia too." He said so, and they ended the call.

Arron was unsure if he wanted to tell Adrian about his relationship. He then dialed another number.

"Helllooooo...." Emelia cheerfully answered.

"Well, hello there, girlfriend," he replied back, suppressing his laugh. She made him feel as if he were some lovesick teenager.

"Ah, it's my boyfriend, eeeeek." She shrieked from the other end.

They both started laughing at the cheesy moment.

"Hey, so listen. I'm wondering if you want to tell anyone, especially Addy. I know you guys share everything, so I wanted to check with you. I also wanted to hear your voice." He added it as a matter of fact. He heard her giggle and then replied, "Um, since they act like they know us, why don't we mess with them? Act like we can't stand each other in front of them." She asked, mischief evident in her voice.

"That's a plan." He said this and looked at his watch.

"Hey, it's getting late; don't you have work tomorrow?" He asked, concerned.

"Oh yeah, I'm so sleepy thanks to an exhausting day," she replied nonchalantly.

He chuckled as memories of their leisurely evening came to mind.

"Well then, good night, Emelia. Sweet dreams." He answered sweetly and ended the call after she mumbled an answer, her voice now sleepy.

His chest felt tight. He wanted to see her and feel her in his arms again.

So he went to his room and just slept. He'd see her tomorrow.

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