Chapter 11

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3 years later

Emelia walked over to her apartment after purchasing her week's groceries from the nearby Whole Foods. Having moved back to New York after completing her master's, she'd managed to convince her parents to let her move into a place of her own. Her spacious apartment overlooked the Hudson River, and she enjoyed spending her free time sprawled out leisurely on the patio.

She had no plans for tonight and planned on catching up on her collection designs.

She'd set up a boutique in Greenwich with a friend she'd attended Parsons with. Their clothing focused on quality fabrics that she personally sourced from all around the world. Her friend, Emily, was highly skilled in creating exquisite gowns for their select clientele.

They had made a significant mark for their brand in the last two years of setting up shop. Thankfully, Emelia was excellent at networking and marketing them within her mother's social circle. The high society often dropped by to request custom pieces ranging from casual wear to red carpet events.

Duncan and Abigail had settled in Utah for ease of work, and Adrian had moved to Bali with Clara. She saw them rarely in the past 3 years, mostly on their parents wedding anniversary. She's been focused on relocating back to New York and starting her brand in the final months she's been in London.

She'd grown up significantly in the past three years. Her bubbly personality was now replaced with a more serious attitude, and she often avoided public interaction while also completely avoiding dating. Ever since Patrick happened in London, She'd changed her contact details and completely forbidden her family from giving anyone her number, and when they pressed her for information, she'd maintained her silence. She had no intention of dumping her trauma on them. She also used her maiden name while dealing with clients. Only her closest circle had access to her.

She still had nightmares. Sometimes they involved a man with dark hair and brown eyes.


As she opened the door, she heard her commotion. She smiled as she walked in, and she was greeted by wagging tails and whining noises.

Betty, her 2-year-old dachshund, and Archie, the 8-month-old golden retriever, ran over to her. She loved coming home to the family she had adopted. As she set her groceries down on the kitchen island, Betty ran over back to her with a ball in her mouth. She sat down and allowed them to jump up on her as they licked and cuddled her warmly.

After giving them ample pets and treats, Emelia checked the time and realized it was time for their night walk. She grabbed their harnesses from the hooks next to the front door and called them over. Both dogs practically bounced over to her after understanding the situation. Then the three of them walked out to enjoy the cold New York evening.


After a particularly productive walk, Emelia decided it was time to return home. They were crossing over to her favorite restaurant when her stomach practically growled. It would be difficult to eat when the dogs were still with her, so she decided to order in. The smell from the Chinese restaurant made her mouth salivate excessively. She decided to hurry back and do a door dash.

Excited, she reached the intersection near her apartment building. She gazed around, observing the people, particularly tourists, roaming around her. Her dog's comfort and non-reactivity to the passersby's tugged her as soon as the crowd in front of them moved. They were crossing the cafe next to her apartment building when a familiar face inside caught her attention. His face illuminated with a smile, and he turned towards his companion, a hand tucking away a stray lock of hair on her face. Emelia's heart dropped at the sight. Before he could turn and spot her, she quickly tugged on her dog's leashes and entered the apartment's complex.


Emelia sighed and blocked out the encounter. She decided to not pay attention to the face she'd just seen. Or the loving way he'd been touching that girl's hair.

It was in the past, and she had no intentions of revisiting it.

She decided on the food she wanted and placed her order. Emelia then refilled the dog's food bowls and cleaned the water feeders before filling them fresh.

She changed out of her clothes, turned up the thermostat, and settled herself on the couch. Switching through her movie options, she settled on a new release she had missed in theaters.

Within 15 minutes, her food arrived. She got up to collect the food and opened her door. After collecting the order and thanking the doordasher, she spotted her neighbor Claire unlocking her door. O

"Oh, hey, Claire! You're back!" She beamed excitedly.

Claire turned around at that and rushed over to give her a tight hug.

"I'm so glad to be back home," she said, pouting. At this point, the dogs ran over to greet one of their favorite humans, just after Emelia's parents.

"Oh, do you want to come over for dinner? I just ordered Chinese." Em wiggled her eyebrows at her friend.

"Ohhhmygod, I'd love that; I'm starving!!!!" Claire happily replied and told her she'd be over in a little while.

Em made her way back with the dogs, emptied the take-away boxes into some serving bowls, and heated them up. She plated up the orange chicken and lo mein for them both and placed them on the table in front of the couch.

This was a common occurrence for them. They'd often end up having dinner together. The two single girls had quickly become close friends.

As she instructed the dogs to behave animatedly, the bell rang. She went to allow her in.

The evening was pleasant with smooth conversation, and the dogs curled between them on the couch.

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