Chapter 20

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Arron had finished work early in Paris and immediately booked a last-minute flight to New York. Adrian had informed him he was flying down, and it had been a while since they met. He was excited to meet his friend. But then he'd heard from his dad about the dinner party and immediately instructed his assistant to deal with the remaining work.

He knew he'd see her there. They had tried to text, but his schedule had been immensely hectic.

He knew she loved hydrangeas. He'd observed her in Hong Kong, beaming at the flowers around the wedding ceremony. He had immediately placed an order when he texted her before her flight.

And now here he was, being embraced by his friend, but his only focus was on her.

He could see the top of her head and her eyes peaking at him from behind Duncan. Adrian released him, and he went over to greet everyone.

He greeted her last, and his gaze lingered for a few seconds.

They all then asked him questions about his sudden appearance and how delighted they were that he was here. He was then informed about the soon-to-arrive baby, Strong. With that, he immediately congratulated Duncan.

The crowd's cigars were over when they all headed downstairs.

"Arron! Emelia! Stay for a minute; I need to talk to you guys," Adrian announced, holding them back.

Curious at his sudden request, they both looked at each other and then at the dork, smiling.

"I need your help proposing to Clara," he dropped.

Their jaws fell open.

What a great weekend! Emelia thought to herself. They both promised him their help and headed downstairs.

Dinner wrapped up, and mostly everyone was sipping on some coffee in the living area. Emelia watched Felicity talk to Abigail and realized that the girl she'd seen at the cafe with Arron near her apartment had been her.

Such a fool I am, she thought, and she headed up to check up on her dogs. They probably needed some attention.

She reached the floor and found them cuddled together on their bed.

What cuties she thought and observed them with her chest getting warm.

"Your kids are adorable." She heard a low, warm voice near her ear and suddenly whipped around, scared and nearly yelling.

A hand came over around her waist, and she covered her mouth with her hands to muffle any sound.

"You scared me," she whispered, looking at him angrily.

At that, he chuckled and let her go.

He then turned around and walked towards the terrace. He stopped and turned to look at her standing there gawking at him, clicked his head towards the door, and continued walking on.

Emelia followed him out without a protest.

"How have you been?" He turned around and asked her with a soft smile.

"Ah, this week has been so stressful. Emily and I were swamped with work. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to thank you for the flowers," she said, lowering her head to look at her feet and attempting to hide the flush she felt coming.

"Huh, what flowers?" He replied, and her head snapped up. She looked at him with a puzzled expression and watched as his mouth slowly curled up in a mischievous smile.

"You're so mean!" She squealed and turned around to leave.

Hearing him laugh out loud, she suddenly felt a hand close around her arm and whip her around.

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