Chapter 4

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It was the day of the cocktail party. She had woken up early and spent the majority of the day with her family. She was ecstatic to be with her parents. Spending time with her brother and Abigail filled her heart with happiness.

"Do you remember when you locked Addy and me in the room and held that party? And mom and dad walked in early and found you both making out on the center table while everyone cheered you on." She laughed at the flashback.

"Oh my god, I'm going to kill you for reminding me!" Abigail squealed at her and grabbed her in a chokehold lightly.

They would never reprimand her. They all doted on her and wouldn't let a fly hurt her.

Emilia then got up and stood behind Duncan while placing her hands on his shoulders and gently massaged them. Feeling him relax and look up at her with love in his eyes, he placed a hand on her hand and gently stroked it.

"Okay guys, we should get going; we need to get ready. See you all at 8 p.m.!" Abigail let out after some time, and Duncan quickly followed.

"Mom, 8 p.m., okay? No dilly dallying, please."

"It's my first child's wedding. I'll be ready by 7; you hear me!!!" She pointed her fist at him and quickly left after grabbing her husband's hand.

Laughing Emilia followed everyone out and made her way to her hotel. She had some games to play after all.

After taking a quick shower and lathering herself in lotion, she styled her hair. Letting her loose curls cascade down in pristine perfection, she placed some bejeweled hair clips to hold the side bangs in an artistic manner. Satisfied with her hair and makeup, she remembered to drop Arron a message on her phone about the time to leave. They were traveling to the venue together. He replied with a thumbs up.

The dress code was black for everyone. Abigail was wearing a red dress designed by her friend in Hong Kong. It was breathtaking in the pictures she shared with Em.

Emelia pulled off her Maticevski black dress from the coat hanger and wore it. It fit her like a glove. With its open back and short skirt, it looked stunning. She opted for a silver Aquazurra heel and picked up her Jimmy Choo clutch from the table. After finally spritzing herself with her favorite Frederic Malle perfume, she poured herself a shot of tequila from the bar and chugged it. "Game on," she said, and she walked out with her necklace in her hand.


Arron was finishing up with his cufflinks and was yet to tie his bow tie when the doorbell rang. She's early, he thought to himself, and he made his way to the door.

His jaw dropped when he looked at the beauty standing at his door.

"Oh hey! Are you ready? I know I'm a little early, but I need your help with this necklace."She pouted at him, pointing out her long nails.

Arron swallowed and said, "Sure, give me a second to fix this bow tie first."

"Oh, let me do that for you," Emelia muttered, and she walked behind him inside the room.


Emelia placed her stuff on the table and expertly started tying his bow tie. She ensured to let the tips of her fingers graze his neck and linger on it. She saw the way Adam's apple bobbled up and down slowly as he swallowed every time her fingers rested on his neck longer than necessary.

She finished up quickly then and beamed, "It's done."

He turned to look in the mirror and was impressed with how it turned out.

"Oh, let me do the necklace now!" He said that and picked up the piece she had kept aside.

"Yes!" she said as she turned around and gently lifted her arm to move her hair aside for better access.

The open back had Arron stop in his tracks. He then shook his head and placed the necklace on her neck after carefully lifting it over her head and tying the clasp. He resisted the urge to run his hand down the tempting open space and murmured, "I'm done."

Emelia never would have thought that the simple task of someone closing the clasp of her necklace could be so erotic.

They quickly finished the last steps of getting ready and left after collecting his keycard.


They entered the lift, and it felt too small all of a sudden.

As their lift made its way to the lobby, it stopped a few floors above and opened up to a group of people who began entering the space.

Emelia, sensing that the crowd would need space, shifted to the back, close to where Arron was standing. In doing so, someone accidentally bumped into her, and she lost her balance.

Suddenly, a hand came around her waist, holding her steady.

She looked up at him, still taller than her in heels, and smiled sweetly at him while muttering thank you in the sweetest voice she could muster.

And he simply nodded.

As the lift started moving, the hand on her waist stayed.

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