Chapter 3

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"Ladies first." Louis grins

I bounce the ball off the table and it lands in the front cup. Meaning he has to take the first shot. I smile to myself, Delilah gives me a high-five which I return. "Easy shot" He jokes.

Rolling my eyes in response. I wait for him to throw his shot, which he makes. Just like me in the front cup of the pyramid. "Easy shot" I bring the cup to my lips as I repeat his former words, gulping  down the liquid. I made the same face I did earlier when we did the shot of the cheap vodka. This one wasn't vodka though, it tasted like liquorice and bongella at the same time.

"Egh, what the hell was that" wiping my mouth as I spoke.

"Sambuca babe" Dee laughs

Shaking my head in hopes it will wash down the alcohol easier. I grab the neon ball, ready to line up and take aim into one of the left over cups. "What did I miss?" squeaks into my ears, I know who it is but I turn to face her anyway. Chloe. She snakes her arm behind Harry, resting it on his lower back. He returns no act of touch towards her, just stays in his stance, leaning on the wall. 

"Picasso and Lou are doing the usual" Niall replies to her. Theres a short silence between him and Chloe, she looks extremely distant. "Playing beer pong" He elaborates 

"Ohh." Giving the most exaggerated laugh possible. I couldn't decipher whether the noise was so loud because she's embarrassed or if that's her actual laugh. I really hope its because she's embarrassed and not the later. Cause if she is going to be sticking around, it will get really annoying. Really quickly. 

"Nothing gets past you, eh" Dee scorns, shooting me a 'what the fuck' sort of look. 

"Okay, this is boring now."  Picasso, your go. The sooner I win the better" 

"You wish" I pick up the ball and throw it so it lands in the back left cup.

As the game goes on both me and Lou don't miss a shot. I don't like it when it goes like this, it's much more fun when we miss a couple. However with us not missing one, it is a clear indicator to me I am not drunk enough. 

The liquor in the cups were mixed, it varied from vodka, tequila, Jack Daniels and rum. The more we played this game the harsher the drinks have become. When we first started back in year 11 some of the drinks were only lemonade to 'balance it out'. However, the game ended how it normally does, with us both only having one cup left. And it's my turn. I make my shot using my normal technique, bouncing the bright green ball off the table and making it land straight in the cup.

I look over and smile at the defeated looking Louis and hold my hands up in defence "You did it to yourself Lou"

I turn around to face the group with the cheesiest grin on my face. It doesn't matter how much I win it always tastes so sweet. I gain pats on the back for my win, and Lou acts like he's lost something actually important. 

I don't know how or when, but suddenly my friends aren't in front of me, and my feet aren't on the floor. Hands are wrapped around my waist before I'm seated on something. I am met with them all looking up at me. 

The only pair of eyes missing are my favourite. 

I can see just his brown curls under the flashing coloured lights. Some shades making it easier to see than others. I'm quick to grab onto his arm, that his stretched across my thighs, in order to keep on his shoulders. I feel extremely venerable up here, and I am extremely great I didn't opt for a dress. 

"Can you put me down" I try my hardest to get as close as possible to his ear. 

"I won't let you fall" He replies, neck twisted making our faces meet. 

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