Chapter 16

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I never really thought that I would find myself in this situation, but here I am sat in Will's parents house acting as if his face isn't five shades darker than it should be. Me and Will haven't even spoken about the other night, he just showed up at my house the next evening asking for my help. I apologised for what happened at the meal, and he surprisingly accepted. Since we have been back on track. 

This wasn't uncommon for us, we never spoke about feelings or what we could possibly do differently. It was just me apologising for taking it too far and him thankfully forgiving me. It's safe to say I was thrilled when he forgave me, because I really didn't think he would after what I caused at the dinner. 

Its been four days since the meal out, and four days since I've seen or heard from Harry. 

In the nicest way, Will looks like he has been through hell. His bottom lip is split in the middle and his eyes and nose are coloured a deep purple. He never gave much of an explication to what happened, just that he was attacked because someone thought he had done something. I didn't want to ask anymore questions because he seemed pretty upset about the whole situation. 

When we walked in Will's mum fussed over him asking him what had happened and his dad demanded we call the police. Neither of them mentioned my head or asked what happened, but I understood, I wasn't their child. 

We had been sat in the dining room for about forty minutes waiting for Will's mum to bring out dinner. It was always like this, the three of us sat waiting while she slaved away by herself. I used to offer to help but his dad would always intrude telling me to sit back down at the table, so I just gave up. 

His parents where quite like mine in some aspects, rich and entitled. Well at least his dad was. He was called Micheal, not Mike. I learned from that mistake before. 

And his mum was called Cassandra, she was nice enough but we had never really bonded. They are both extremely attractive, always looking like they were going to attend some fancy business dinner. 

Will and Micheal spoke about business, what sort of houses are on the market, how much they were going for, whilst sipping on their liquor. Me not being included in the conversation I sat with my glass of tap water, trying to listen to them incase they asked me anything. But they didn't. 

Cassandra came in shortly after holding two plates and placed then down in front of Will and his dad, before running back into the kitchen to grab my plate and hers. I look down at my plate of a fresh salad with small chunks of what looks like feta. I am slightly confused to why dinner took her so long to make a salad, but the question is answered when I look up.

The three of them all have steak, mash and greens on their plate. I feel slightly embarrassed by my separate meal. "Sorry, Will said you wanted a salad" She speaks up, pointing her knife at my plate. 

I clearly have some sort of expression on my place to make her feel like she needed to say something. "No, yes I did. I do. It looks delicious, thank you so much" I blurt out, mortified that I've been caught. 

She doesn't say anything else, just gives me a quick smile before tucking back into her food. 

"So you still doing your little course Katie?" Micheal speaks up, placing his steak onto his fork. 

"Yeh, final year. I actually have a big opportunity hopefully coming up soon." I smile 

"What's that?" 

"In mid October the National Gallery will be choosing a students work to be presented in an exhibition they are doing" Im excited in telling them about the chance I have, because they never seemed thrilled about my choice of career. 

The Waiting Game || Harry StylesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin