Chapter 12

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I contemplated turning around about five times since leaving the flat, but for whatever reason I can't. It's like my feet won't let me turn around, like something else is in control, not my brain. I'd never really visited Soho but it was beautiful, full of colour and small independent shops and cafes. I didn't imagine Harry choosing to live here it seemed to lively for him, I could see him living somewhere much quieter but still within the city. Not right in the centre surrounded by people all the time. 

The buildings door was small, tucked between a jewellers and some sort of vegan cafe. There was a buzzer system in order to get let in, I knew I couldn't ring Harrys number so I opted for some randoms and lied saying I was a delivery driver. Surprisingly it ended up working so I pushed open the heavy door and made my way up the concrete steps. Harry's place was right at the top, my heart started pounding faster with every step I took. I honestly thought if you looked close enough you would see the outline of the heart against my chest. 

Each floor of the building is painted white, that has dulled over the years, two doors settle on each floor, each door personalised giving me an insight to the people it homes. Some are bright and colourful, filled with detailed illustrations with the strangers names on. Others are more simple, people who are less bothered by the fun tradition but still want to be included. 

And then theres Harrys. 

No fun paintings on the door, just painted a shade of green. His floor only holds one apartment leading me to think his will be larger than the others. I stare at the lonely door for what feels like hours before finally raising my fist to nock on the wood. I try to listen for footsteps coming towards me so I can brace myself for when he's stood in front of me. But I can't hear anything, so I knock again, I make sure there more force to it this time. In case he could hear my previous one. But again, nothing. 

"Fuck" I murmur to myself. 

What do I do now? Sit and wait? Leave? I pace around the small space between his door and the stairwell trying to make my mind up on what to do. I should just go, I've already sprung a surprise visit before and it didn't go down well. And after the whole uni visit I can't imagine this one going down well either. 

"This isn't what I meant by don't be a stranger bird" I spin around to meet his gaze at me. His eyes are slightly softer than earlier on today but his grin is the same. 

"Can we talk?" I gesture slightly towards the door hoping he will catch on

"Sure, talk" He stands completely still

"Inside, please" 

"Yeh, you are not coming inside"  His jaw clenches as he crosses his arms. 

"Please H" 

Fuck. I shouldn't have said that, I don't even know why I did, it just slipped out. I look up at Harry his whole face softens and arms loosen up slightly around his chest. He gives a small nod and moves around me to open his front door. Unlocking it and walking through, holding the door open behind him to let me enter. 

"Thank you" I practically whisper, shocked by his action of letting me in. 

I know I have to tread lightly here, this is his home and I'm hardly a guest. More so an unwanted pest in his eyes, I stand completely still at the entrance way not wanting to push any unknown boundaries that he may have. And definitely not wanting to give him a reason to do whatever he has been doing. 

"What did you want to talk about then birdie" He plops himself down onto his scruffy brown leather sofa. His face has stiffened slightly again, going back to how it was in the corridor. 

"You" I try not to let the change in face dishearten me. I study his flat whilst waiting for him to speak up.

Harrys whole apartment was pretty impressive, very clean which I wasn't expecting. His ceiling was tall with windows reaching the top giving you a view of the bustling street below. His walls were painted a light grey and posters littered all over, some of old rock bands and others from shows pleasing had done. 

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