Chapter 10

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Katie's pov 

I absolutely love the walk to university, right through central London. The building is close to Covent Garden which is one of my favourite places in the city. Always full of life and the buildings old, but filled with high end modern shops. The street acts are different almost everyday, singers, magicians or even dancers, but yet always have the same crowd gathering around. Whenever I see a busker I now think back to the boys, I wonder if that's how they started out here, but just so happened to get lucky and catch the eye of the right person. 

I hate myself for feeling genuinely happy for them, but I am. They are living the life that everyone has dreamed of at least once. I also hate myself not not being angry at Harry for the other night, I keep telling myself that he doesn't mean any of it and its just because I surprised him. It must have caught him off guard completely. 

It's my fault really, I should have just left. 

It's been about a week since the concert, and I have felt more unsettled each day. With university starting, working when I can and Will wanting to look for apartments we could move into, I feel busier than ever. Once we left the green room I ended up finding Will with Liam and Zayn walking back towards us after Niall ran after Dee. A small part of me wished it was Harry, coming to apologise and make everything the way it used to be. But, I couldn't be selfish I know this is what Delilah wants, no matter now much she tires to deny it. 

Niall ended up getting Dee to give him her phone number. When she asked why she couldn't have his he said that he would be worried she 'would never text', they have been texting non stop since. I know she tried to put it off, and not text him back, but when it comes to Delilah she will always forgive the people she cares for most. Niall being one of those people, plus I don't think ever stopped loving him, I know he has always been in the back of her head ruining every relationship she has ever had since. However, her care for Harry has completely washed away, especially after that night. 

His tone alone was enough to rip my heart into shreds, but his words felt like some old fashion form of torture. I would look to Harry as some form of light, comfort a safe place, but now it just seemed like added darkness amongst the people who should care for me most. When Will asked about the boys again, I ended up telling him we went to the same college but I didn't recognise them at first glance. He seemed happy enough with the answer but wasn't best pleased when Dee started bringing up Niall's name everyday. 

Im sure a part of her bringing him up was to piss off Will, because he hates the name of any boy being mentioned. He was also annoyed with my mood since the incident. I was too tired to fight with him, not that there's ever really a fight to be had. It was always me apologising for taking it too far or not sticking to our planned meals. I completely understand the anger and how my mood will dampen his, I'll get over it soon enough. I did before and I can again. 

I know I can. 

The closer I get to the university the roads get quieter, out of reach from tourist spots and corporate workers. The other thing I love about my walk, going from the heart of London to somewhere that seems so unknown all in the space of 5 minutes. My eyes reach the tall white building with the large windows covering the ground floor. University is my new beach, I feel at one here. Everyone wanting and interested in the same things as I am, striving for the same ambitions. 

I scan in my student lanyard allowing me entrance into the school, and make my way towards my classroom. The school although old was filled with new exciting interior, like something you would see on a movie set. Practically everything was white, the only colour showing are the plants growing and the array of students clothes. Wooden desks and stools scattered the open space of the halls, other academics working on last minute projects, adding finishing touches. 

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